Saturday, March 14, 2009


The Obama Administration is a well oiled machine when it comes putting out a smear job on those who disagree with the "Messiah" President Obama. The people who happen to disagree will be attacked by the liberal media and the liberal socialist blogs. The liberals will devour there own if they disagree with President Obama handling of the economy because all you have to do is ask Jim Cramer who voted for President Obama on how John Stewart and left-wing has treated him ever since, he questioned the Messiah. The left-wing is trying to destroy his career on CNBC and his credibility so, no American will take his advice. The Obama Administration has a enemies list similar to President Nixon because, if you have a policy difference with President Obama you can expect millions of dollars to used on political advertisement to attack you in your state or district. The Liberal socialist media is going after Gov. Marc Sanford of South Carolina and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Lousiana for not accepting the stimulus money from the Obama administration. Marc Sanford and Bobby Jindal have a policy difference with the Obama administration but this politicial difference puts them on the Obama enemies list to be destroyed in future. President Obama has a "Team Of Thugs" who meet every mourning at 7:30 a.m. to put out there talking points out for the liberal media and there attack message towards certain Republicans. The Leader of this hit Squad is "Rham Emanuel" the White House Chief Of Staff who meets every mourning with former Clinton henchmen Paul Bagala and James Carville. These Clown created the Rush Limbaugh controversy about wanting President Obama to fail and they also, attacked new Republican Chairman Micheal Steele for not being tough enough on Limbaugh. The Top Thug is "John Podesta" a former Clinton Henchmen who works for a liberal socialist media think tank and is one President Obama biggest advocates. John Podesta was part of the Obama Transition team and he, believes that the Republican Party should be destroyed for going against President Obama socialist policies. This administration has millions of dollars set aside to go after any of there enemies and they are spending money to protect President Obama failed economic policies. The Obama Administration is trying to put fear in the American people by attacking there enemies with a smear job. The left-wing has billionaire advocates like George Soros who believes in socialism and the destruction of the conservative movement in America is the top priority for liberals. These tactics that are being used by this administration reminds me of the beginning of Fascist American State. Finally, there is a famous quote that "Fascism" will come to America with a handshake and a smile. Fascism has come to america and americans who beleive in the constitution better stand up and fight or you will lose this counrty to the Socialist left-wing in America.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


There is deep concern at the Palestinian Authority that President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah organization that the United States has changed it's attitude towards Hamas and may be ready to end the terrorist group isolation. The three years of siege against Hamas is ending said a Palestinian negotiator speaking from Ramallah on the condition that his name be withheld. There is a new policy in the Obama Administration regarding Hamas. We are concerned that Hamas is starting to be a legitimate player in the equation of the Middle East and the Palestinian authority. The negotiator met with Hillary Clinton last week and asked whether Clinton or any other official will open up dialogue with Hamas the Palestinian Negotiator said she No. But there are troubling signs. The United States Government supports unity between Hamas and Fatah. This is the first time the United States supported such unity government. There was no objection with Hamas joining the Palestinian Authority he said. He also pointed out the trip by Sen. John Kerry who visited the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip and the he accepted a letter from the Islamic group as "Legitimizing Hamas". Kerry accepted the letter from Hamas and promised to deliver it President Obama. Kerry heads the Forgein Relations Committee and he is the highest ranking official to visit the Gaza Strip since 2000. Hamas official Charter calls for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel. The group is responsible for suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks on civilians in Israel. A spokesman in the State Department says there is no change in United States policy toward isolating Hamas. Ahmed Yousef Chief political adviser in the Gaza strip said that his Islamist group was in contact with members of the United States Congress but will not divulge the names. In January, Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Middle East envoy for the International quartet which includes the United States told London newspapers that Hamas should be included in the peace process. It seem like with the Obama Administration on board with the European Union that a terrorist organization that has killed so many innocent Jews will become a legitimate organization in the eyes of the world community. The Obama administration seems like the are following the foregin policy of President Jimmy Carter and that is kiss all terrorist ASSES. Freakin Clowns.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The were 75 members of Congress asked House Leaders on Tuesday to shut down a loophole allowing billions of in economic stimulus funds to go to some 300,00 construction workers who are in the country illegally. I believe that figure may be low Rep. Cliff Stearns of Florida told Stearns added that we owe American workers and American taxpayers that there money does not employ workers in our country illegally. In the 787 billion dollar stimulus package signed by President Obama included a that legal residency requirement in the United States must be verified by employers. The 75 members sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi and Minority leader Behoner urging them to protect American taxpayers and legal workers for these critical jobs protection provision in any future economic recovery legislation. The Center For Immigration Studies believes that the actual number of illegal hired under the stimulus package might be higher than the 300,000 estimated. The 300,000 only applies to the construction jobs not the spending sector that could add a large amount of illegal alien jobs. The Center For Immigration Studies believe since, illegals represent 5% percent of the workforce that they could get a extra 50,000 jobs from American workers. Hiring illegals runs counter to the objectives what the economic stimulus package because most illegals will send millions of dollars back to Mexico. It is still unclear who wiped out the verification provision in the Stimulus bill. There are only three people with the power to wipe out the provision and that is speaker Pelsoi, Majority leader Reid and President Obama. This is the tragedy of the stimulus Bill that you would spend a trillion dollars and not protect the American Worker. This is your federal government at work and you wonder why this nation is on the brink of collapse.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Republican Senator David Vitter has some Democrats angry because he is pushing a amendment to the 410 billion dollar spending bill that would repeal the current law of automatic pay raises for Congress. It does not look good so, good for lawmakers to be enjoying automatic perks while we are going through a economic downturn. Congress has been receiving pay increases under a formula set into law 20 years ago. At a time when so many Americans are losing there jobs and struggling to pay there mortgage these raises are just not right. Most Americans at there jobs don't have a formula at the job that gives them automatic pay raises and Congress should not either. The Amendment would repeal the provision of the law set in place automatic raises for members of Congress. This increase that went into affect for this year amounts to a additional $4,700 a member. Last year in Louisiana lawmakers proposed a raise for its members and the public was outraged. I have heard many constituents who have called to express there anger over automatic pay raises for Congress as well Vitter said. With our economy in such a state of distress, it is not appropriate for Congress to continue to receive these automatic pay raises. My amendment would require a vote to approve any future pay increases. Vitter's amendment is similar to a stand alone bill the he introduced at the beginning of the 111th Congress that also, seek to achieve the same goal- ending automatic pay raises. This bill put a lot of lawmakers in a difficult position because if they vote for a pay increase during this recession they could have a serious problem during re-election. This amendment could be a poison pill and help send the Pork-spending bill to House and Senate Conference Committee

Monday, March 9, 2009


The Obama administration is constantly telling the American public that you never let a good crisis go to waste. This is a great opportunity to do things like you never did before. This is a great opportunity. What used to be long term problems be they health care, energy area, education area, fiscal area, tax regulatory area things that we have postponed for to long that were long-term are now immediate an can be dealt with. And this crisis provides the opportunity for us. as I would say. The opportunity to do things that we could not do before. By the "Clown" White House Chief Of Staff Rham Emmanuel. This is the opportunity the Left-wing liberals have been waiting for the last 40 years to expand the social welfare state to every part of American life. This Administration could careless about fixing the economic conditions in America because the most important thing is to pass liberal socialist legislative agenda. They are using this financial crisis to change everything for Climate Change to Health care by telling the American people if we don't fix these problems that the country will go into a deeper recession. The President is constantly talking about the financial crisis and he, is spreading fear throughout the nation so, he can pass these crazy ass spending bills that are not helping the average American. The President should be spending his time solving the banking and mortgage crisis instead of trying to fix loans for a car industry which is full of incompetence. The leaders on Wall Street have no faith in the Obama Administration because they see a leader who is not trying to repair the serious problems in the financial sector. Wall Street sees a President who is more worried about his personal pet socialist and his legacy for the next 50 years instead of creating a atmoshpere so, employers can create jobs . THIS IS CHANGE WE ALL CAN BELIEVE IN.


The Democrats hated President Bush so, much that they hoped that our military would lose the war in Iraq. The Democratic leadership openly called President Bush a loser and encourage extreme behavior form the left-wing blogs. Sen. Harry Reid and Speaker Pelosi encouraged blogs like the Daily Kos and Huffington Post to attack the Bush administration everyday and help destroy there policies. There is a Fox News Poll in August of 2006 where 51% of Democrats wanted President Bush to fail as President so, that a Democrat will be elected the next President. The same clowns who wanted President Bush to fail are crying that Rush Limbaugh is not a 100% behind the "Messiah" new socialist policies. The White House Chief Of Staff Rahm Emmanuel thinks that attacking Rush Limbaugh will distract the American people from the failed economic policies of the Obama administration. The Treasury Department still has not come out with a plan that will solve the banking crisis because, the President appointed one of the most incompetent clowns I have ever seen in Washington Timothy Geinther. If President Obama objective is to spread socialism in America I "Hope" that his Administration and his policies fail. "GOD BLESS AMERICA"

Sunday, March 8, 2009


With plant closing all across America this one article I read at can tell how bad the employment situation is in America. Nearly 700 people have applied for a single custodian job in Ohio. Perry Local Schools have a open position for a school custodian at Edison Junior High School after the afternoon janitor retired. It pays $16 dollars a hour. Many of the people lost there jobs because of budget cuts by there employers. This shows the true economic conditions in America and the President is using this crisis to promote his Socialist agenda. This President is spending his valuable time on Global Warming and Health Care but, he should be spending his time on the banking crisis which is causing all these layoffs. The President should not be wasting his time with pork filled spending bills that have nothing to do with stimulating the economy. This President promised America "Hope" not a Socialist agenda that liberals have wanted to implement for the last 40 years. I am tired of his Administration "Bullcrap" that is being disseminated by Rham Emanuel, Paul Bagala, James Carville and Robert Gibbs is not helping the average American find a job. I HOPE THESE HARD WORKING AMERICANS FIND A JOB.