Saturday, March 14, 2009


The Obama Administration is a well oiled machine when it comes putting out a smear job on those who disagree with the "Messiah" President Obama. The people who happen to disagree will be attacked by the liberal media and the liberal socialist blogs. The liberals will devour there own if they disagree with President Obama handling of the economy because all you have to do is ask Jim Cramer who voted for President Obama on how John Stewart and left-wing has treated him ever since, he questioned the Messiah. The left-wing is trying to destroy his career on CNBC and his credibility so, no American will take his advice. The Obama Administration has a enemies list similar to President Nixon because, if you have a policy difference with President Obama you can expect millions of dollars to used on political advertisement to attack you in your state or district. The Liberal socialist media is going after Gov. Marc Sanford of South Carolina and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Lousiana for not accepting the stimulus money from the Obama administration. Marc Sanford and Bobby Jindal have a policy difference with the Obama administration but this politicial difference puts them on the Obama enemies list to be destroyed in future. President Obama has a "Team Of Thugs" who meet every mourning at 7:30 a.m. to put out there talking points out for the liberal media and there attack message towards certain Republicans. The Leader of this hit Squad is "Rham Emanuel" the White House Chief Of Staff who meets every mourning with former Clinton henchmen Paul Bagala and James Carville. These Clown created the Rush Limbaugh controversy about wanting President Obama to fail and they also, attacked new Republican Chairman Micheal Steele for not being tough enough on Limbaugh. The Top Thug is "John Podesta" a former Clinton Henchmen who works for a liberal socialist media think tank and is one President Obama biggest advocates. John Podesta was part of the Obama Transition team and he, believes that the Republican Party should be destroyed for going against President Obama socialist policies. This administration has millions of dollars set aside to go after any of there enemies and they are spending money to protect President Obama failed economic policies. The Obama Administration is trying to put fear in the American people by attacking there enemies with a smear job. The left-wing has billionaire advocates like George Soros who believes in socialism and the destruction of the conservative movement in America is the top priority for liberals. These tactics that are being used by this administration reminds me of the beginning of Fascist American State. Finally, there is a famous quote that "Fascism" will come to America with a handshake and a smile. Fascism has come to america and americans who beleive in the constitution better stand up and fight or you will lose this counrty to the Socialist left-wing in America.


  1. "These Clown created the Rush Limbaugh controversy about wanting President Obama to fail and they also, attacked new Republican Chairman Micheal Steele for not being tough enough on Limbaugh."

    Very passionate... so much so that you lost all ability to proof-read your own post to make sure that your sentences are coherent? Calm down and do an edit.

    Rush Limbaugh created his own controversy by saying that he hoped Obama failed. Even if his words were taken out of context, don't tell me he doesn't know how to generate buzz for himself by wording things so they can be taken out of context. And the whole Chairman Steele thing was hilarious. First he criticized, then apologized to Limbaugh.

    I've listened to Limbaugh plenty of times, as a teen with a ditto-head dad (he is no longer). When he wasn't basking in the death of an old Ramones member, he was doing, surprise, comedy. He's a crass comedian. Most are, but the problem is you Republicans take him seriously.

  2. I stumbled on this post and I have to say it made me laugh. Do you realize that fascism is, by definition, an ultra-conservative, intensely national (i.e. revering the motherland) ideology?

    Whatever your thoughts on Obama, he's neither conservative nor fanatically nationalistic.

    He may be somewhat of a socialist (I don't necessarily think it's a bad idea to create a national health system, though I don't think we'll ever have nationalized industry, no matter who's in power), but recognize that it was actually George Bush who took over the auto industry.
