Monday, March 9, 2009


The Democrats hated President Bush so, much that they hoped that our military would lose the war in Iraq. The Democratic leadership openly called President Bush a loser and encourage extreme behavior form the left-wing blogs. Sen. Harry Reid and Speaker Pelosi encouraged blogs like the Daily Kos and Huffington Post to attack the Bush administration everyday and help destroy there policies. There is a Fox News Poll in August of 2006 where 51% of Democrats wanted President Bush to fail as President so, that a Democrat will be elected the next President. The same clowns who wanted President Bush to fail are crying that Rush Limbaugh is not a 100% behind the "Messiah" new socialist policies. The White House Chief Of Staff Rahm Emmanuel thinks that attacking Rush Limbaugh will distract the American people from the failed economic policies of the Obama administration. The Treasury Department still has not come out with a plan that will solve the banking crisis because, the President appointed one of the most incompetent clowns I have ever seen in Washington Timothy Geinther. If President Obama objective is to spread socialism in America I "Hope" that his Administration and his policies fail. "GOD BLESS AMERICA"

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