Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The were 75 members of Congress asked House Leaders on Tuesday to shut down a loophole allowing billions of in economic stimulus funds to go to some 300,00 construction workers who are in the country illegally. I believe that figure may be low Rep. Cliff Stearns of Florida told Stearns added that we owe American workers and American taxpayers that there money does not employ workers in our country illegally. In the 787 billion dollar stimulus package signed by President Obama included a that legal residency requirement in the United States must be verified by employers. The 75 members sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi and Minority leader Behoner urging them to protect American taxpayers and legal workers for these critical jobs protection provision in any future economic recovery legislation. The Center For Immigration Studies believes that the actual number of illegal hired under the stimulus package might be higher than the 300,000 estimated. The 300,000 only applies to the construction jobs not the spending sector that could add a large amount of illegal alien jobs. The Center For Immigration Studies believe since, illegals represent 5% percent of the workforce that they could get a extra 50,000 jobs from American workers. Hiring illegals runs counter to the objectives what the economic stimulus package because most illegals will send millions of dollars back to Mexico. It is still unclear who wiped out the verification provision in the Stimulus bill. There are only three people with the power to wipe out the provision and that is speaker Pelsoi, Majority leader Reid and President Obama. This is the tragedy of the stimulus Bill that you would spend a trillion dollars and not protect the American Worker. This is your federal government at work and you wonder why this nation is on the brink of collapse.

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