Monday, March 9, 2009


The Obama administration is constantly telling the American public that you never let a good crisis go to waste. This is a great opportunity to do things like you never did before. This is a great opportunity. What used to be long term problems be they health care, energy area, education area, fiscal area, tax regulatory area things that we have postponed for to long that were long-term are now immediate an can be dealt with. And this crisis provides the opportunity for us. as I would say. The opportunity to do things that we could not do before. By the "Clown" White House Chief Of Staff Rham Emmanuel. This is the opportunity the Left-wing liberals have been waiting for the last 40 years to expand the social welfare state to every part of American life. This Administration could careless about fixing the economic conditions in America because the most important thing is to pass liberal socialist legislative agenda. They are using this financial crisis to change everything for Climate Change to Health care by telling the American people if we don't fix these problems that the country will go into a deeper recession. The President is constantly talking about the financial crisis and he, is spreading fear throughout the nation so, he can pass these crazy ass spending bills that are not helping the average American. The President should be spending his time solving the banking and mortgage crisis instead of trying to fix loans for a car industry which is full of incompetence. The leaders on Wall Street have no faith in the Obama Administration because they see a leader who is not trying to repair the serious problems in the financial sector. Wall Street sees a President who is more worried about his personal pet socialist and his legacy for the next 50 years instead of creating a atmoshpere so, employers can create jobs . THIS IS CHANGE WE ALL CAN BELIEVE IN.

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