Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Republican Senator David Vitter has some Democrats angry because he is pushing a amendment to the 410 billion dollar spending bill that would repeal the current law of automatic pay raises for Congress. It does not look good so, good for lawmakers to be enjoying automatic perks while we are going through a economic downturn. Congress has been receiving pay increases under a formula set into law 20 years ago. At a time when so many Americans are losing there jobs and struggling to pay there mortgage these raises are just not right. Most Americans at there jobs don't have a formula at the job that gives them automatic pay raises and Congress should not either. The Amendment would repeal the provision of the law set in place automatic raises for members of Congress. This increase that went into affect for this year amounts to a additional $4,700 a member. Last year in Louisiana lawmakers proposed a raise for its members and the public was outraged. I have heard many constituents who have called to express there anger over automatic pay raises for Congress as well Vitter said. With our economy in such a state of distress, it is not appropriate for Congress to continue to receive these automatic pay raises. My amendment would require a vote to approve any future pay increases. Vitter's amendment is similar to a stand alone bill the he introduced at the beginning of the 111th Congress that also, seek to achieve the same goal- ending automatic pay raises. This bill put a lot of lawmakers in a difficult position because if they vote for a pay increase during this recession they could have a serious problem during re-election. This amendment could be a poison pill and help send the Pork-spending bill to House and Senate Conference Committee

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