Thursday, March 12, 2009


There is deep concern at the Palestinian Authority that President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah organization that the United States has changed it's attitude towards Hamas and may be ready to end the terrorist group isolation. The three years of siege against Hamas is ending said a Palestinian negotiator speaking from Ramallah on the condition that his name be withheld. There is a new policy in the Obama Administration regarding Hamas. We are concerned that Hamas is starting to be a legitimate player in the equation of the Middle East and the Palestinian authority. The negotiator met with Hillary Clinton last week and asked whether Clinton or any other official will open up dialogue with Hamas the Palestinian Negotiator said she No. But there are troubling signs. The United States Government supports unity between Hamas and Fatah. This is the first time the United States supported such unity government. There was no objection with Hamas joining the Palestinian Authority he said. He also pointed out the trip by Sen. John Kerry who visited the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip and the he accepted a letter from the Islamic group as "Legitimizing Hamas". Kerry accepted the letter from Hamas and promised to deliver it President Obama. Kerry heads the Forgein Relations Committee and he is the highest ranking official to visit the Gaza Strip since 2000. Hamas official Charter calls for the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel. The group is responsible for suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks on civilians in Israel. A spokesman in the State Department says there is no change in United States policy toward isolating Hamas. Ahmed Yousef Chief political adviser in the Gaza strip said that his Islamist group was in contact with members of the United States Congress but will not divulge the names. In January, Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Middle East envoy for the International quartet which includes the United States told London newspapers that Hamas should be included in the peace process. It seem like with the Obama Administration on board with the European Union that a terrorist organization that has killed so many innocent Jews will become a legitimate organization in the eyes of the world community. The Obama administration seems like the are following the foregin policy of President Jimmy Carter and that is kiss all terrorist ASSES. Freakin Clowns.

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