Saturday, June 13, 2009

Iran New Revolution

The re-election of President Ahamdinejed has started a "New Revolution" in Iran between Islamic Government and the young people of Iran. The riot police in Iran attacked opposition supporters with clubs and smashing cars. A statement from the opposition leader Mousavi condemned what he, described as the "manipulation of election results". The demonstrators were wearing the trademark green of Mousavi and chanting slogans against the fraudulent election. The new revolution in Iran has young people wearing masks and throwing bottles at Iranian police and burning police cars. The young people of Iran also, protested at the Interior Ministry were the election results were announced and they were attacked again by the Iranian thug police. These brave young revolutionaries in Iran formed a human chain blocking one of the major avenues in Tehran and chanted Anti-Government slogans. The Islamic government over the next few weeks will try and put down the government protesters by using harsh tactics that will punish and imprison supporters of Mousavi. Mousavi told supporters Friday in Iran that he, was the "winner" of the election Presidential election and urged backers to resist a government based on "Lies and Dictatorship". The new revolution has a Reformist leader Mousavi who has the ability to transform Iran into a new nation that the has respect of all peaceful loving countries around the world. The biggest problem Mousavi has is that the true power in Iran is held by the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who will not give up his power without a serious fight. The Ayatollah who has the final say over all state matters will enforce Islamic Law on the young people of Iran and assume dictatorial powers over Iran. Finally, the revolution in Iran will be televised and it will be a "bloody revolution" for the whole to see if the Islamic government does not throw all Western Media reporters out of the country.

Obama Popularity Meaningless Fraud

President Obama popularity has not helped America cause when it comes to fighting World-Wide Terrorism. If President Obama popularity can not convince our allies in Europe to pledge additional troops to Afghanistan his popularity is meaningless. A few months ago while, in Europe the British government pledge a additional 1,000 troops for Afghanistan but, the rest of Europe committed a additional 5,000 non-combatant troops and they will be deployed only after there nations elections. The President is popular in Europe so, why can't he convince our allies to give more troops than President Bush during the last days of his Administration. The President has not stressed that Afghanistan and Pakistan is the center point in the war on terror. The Europeans should help America to eliminate Taliban and AL-Qaeda strongholds. Therefore, these bases help support the insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is all part of the same fight that the free world can not afford to lose. President Obama should demand that our European allies help rein in Iran nuclear ambitions in the Middle East. Despite years of talks by the Europeans the leader of Iran still wants the State Of Israel wiped off the face of the earth. Iran is racing ahead with it's nuclear enrichment and ballistic missile programs. Therefore, how important is President Obama popularity if he can't convince Germany to join the United States in increasing tough sanctions on the Iranian regime. Germany has become, Iran biggest trading partner even though the European Union talks are suppose to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. High popularity is helpful to any politician. After two trips to Europe President Obama clearly enjoys widespread popularity. Now the hard part comes. The difficult part, converting political capital into policy success. Finally, the history books will judge him on how effectively he does that, and that tends to be a more harsher critic than popularity polls.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Federal Reserve Audit "Coming Soon"

A proposal by Congressman Ron Paul to audit the Federal Reserve was approaching majority support in the U.S. House Of Representatives, he is confirming the plan has reached a crucial benchmark. The tremendous grassroots and bipartisan support in Congress for H.R.1207 is an indicator on how the mainstream America is fed up with the Fed Secretary, Paul said after U.S. Representatives Denis Kucinch of Ohio became the 218th sponsor giving the plan, technically the support in the 435 member house. A spokeswoman from Ron Paul office said the bill had attracted 221 cosponsors. She, said hearings of transparency of the Federal Reserve are expected over the next month as part of the Financial Services he, Committee series on hearings regulatory reform. Paul and many Americans has opposed the power of the Federal Reserve and it's ability to manipulate the nation's economy and over the years have launched multiple proposals to get rid of the private banking powerhouse, without significant support. Therefore, in light of the banking economic collapse in the United States and the government takeover of banking industry and government demands on auto industry bankruptcies, the government appointment of pay czar apparently change is coming in America. The Constitution Paul says Congress not the Federal Reserve the has, authority to coin money and regulate the value of the currency in the United States. Finally, there is a companion bill sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont H.R. 604 that calls for the Comptroller General of the United states to audit the private Federal Reserve and Report to Congress by the end of 2010.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Miranda Rights For Terrorist

The President the United States Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder has quietly informed the FBI, CIA and Military to start giving captured terrorist there "Miranda Rights". This would indicated, that President Obama is treating captured terrorist like United States Citizens with Constitutional Rights. This would also, indicate that we are going back to a pre-9/11 fight against terrorism because the Obama Justice Department is treating terrorism as if it was your average local neighborhood crime. Therefore, could you imagine if "Khalid Sheik Mohammad" was given his Miranda Rights we would have never got valueable information that saved thousands of American lives because under the Constitution he, had the "Right To Remain Silent". These new steps by the Obama Administration were verified by Congressman Mike Rogers who recently met with law enforcement officials, military and intelligence officials in a fact-finding trip to Afghanistan. Mike Rogers a former FBI agent and U.S Army Officer has said that Obama Administration has not briefed Congress on the new policy. I was a little surprised that it was taking place when I showed up because we had not been briefed on it. We are still trying to get to the bottom of it but, it is clearly part of this new global justice initiative. Finally. President Obama has truly, lost his mind by giving terrorist there Miranda Rights. This will stop the CIA and FBI from getting high valued information that may save millions of American lives in the future. If this information is true President Obama should be held accountable for making our country less safe.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Young Jews Hate Obama

I was going through a African-American Entertainment website called "Bossip" and I listened to some inebriated young "Jewish Americans" in a Jerusalem bar spouting off some of the most hate filled sentiments has garnered massive exposure and caused a firestorm in the media and the Jewish world. The Obama Administration has a lot of work to do in Israel because the majority of Israeli citizens don't trust Obama when it comes to protecting the State of Israel. In, a recent poll conducted by the Jerusalem Post 53% think that Obama policies are bad for Israel and 51% believes that President Obama cared more about the Palestinian State than the security of Israel. There is a a large misconception in Israel that President Obama is a underground Muslim and that he, is willing to abandon the State Of Israel for a peace deal with the Arab and terrorist world. Finally, watch the video and make a comment on what these Young Jewish Americans said about President Obama. This is a outrageous video.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Palin Slams Obama "Early Failure"

The Democrats, Republican and Liberal socialist media establishment has a serious problem with Gov. Palin Conservative middle class values. Gov. Palin is the most hated politician in America by both parties that means that she is the perfect person to the be the next President Of The United States. Gov. Palin said that the stimulus package dollars were a waste of money if it was not targeted for existing businesses that would create jobs. Gov. Palin is extremely, angry that our federal government is 11 trillion dollars in debt and climbing and we are still losing jobs everyday after passing a ridiculous stimulus plan. Gov. Palin also, expressed reservation that the federal government is borrowing billions of dollars from the communist Chinese that would leave our children indebted China in the future. Gov. Palin has been critical of the General Motors bailout and takeover by President Obama because it going to cost the American people 50 billion dollars in the early stages bankruptcy and untold billions in the future to keep the company alive. Gov. Plain is quoted saying that President Obama stimulus Plan is a "Early Failure" and that is supported by the unemployment rate reaching 9.4% the highest in 25 years when the Obama administration said if congress passed the $787 billion dollar stimulus bill the unemployment rate would not reach 8.0%. Finally, as much as liberal media smear Machine has tried to write her off , she is going to be a force in the Republican Party and 2012 General Election. Gov. Palin is already making a strong case against the President Obama stimulus plan failing and that she, warned the American people that it would be a waste of billions of dollars. Check Out VIDEO BELOW OF Gov. Palin at the GOP fundraiser last night in Washington D.C.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pay Czar "Socialism 101"

The United States Of America has truly, become a "Socialist Nation" when you can control the pay or compensation of the Average hard working American. This is only the beginning of control over the financial industry, car industry and other crucial industries in America. The so-called Pay Czar will oversea salaries of rescued companies. The Obama administration plans to appoint a "Special Master Of Compensation" to ensure companies receiving federal funds are abiding by federal pay guidelines, according to people familiar with the matter. The administration is expected to release executive-pay guidelines for firms receiving aid from the 700 billion dollars "Troubled Asset Relief Program". Those companies include banks, auto makers, insures are subject to a host of compensation restrictions imposed by the Bush and Obama administrations and by Congress. OHB is requiring that additional compensation pay be in the form of restricted stock, vesting only after the company repays the debts with interest to the government. As part of the effort lawmakers are barred those firms from paying top earners bonuses that equal more than a third of total compensation. For, instance, the Federal Reserve is considering rules that would curb the ability to pay employees in a way that would threaten the "Safety And Soundness" of the Bank. The Obama administration will name Kenneth Feinberg who oversaw the federal government compensation's fund for victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, to act as Pay Czar for the Treasury Department. Finally, Sen. Robert Byrd a Democrat from West Virgina said, that having all these Czar's is a dangerous a trend, because they only report to the President Obama. President Obama is tighten his fist around every aspect of private, public and social life in America. Therefore, one of America's biggest enemies and critics of the United States President Hugo Chavez made a statement saying that President Obama was to the right of Fidel Castro and himself, because Obama was now in control of General Motors or Obama Motors. There is no secret in the world community that Obama is a socialist but it seems like the last people to know is the American people who are going along with the destruction of America

Sunday, June 7, 2009

California 5 Billion For Illegal Immigrants

The Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger says, he is happy illegals immigrants receive state services and says they are not to blame for California's 24.3 Billion Dollar deficit. Gov.Schwarzenegger, a immigrant himself says the estimated 4 billion to 5 billion the state spends on illegal immigrants annually is a small percentage of the deficit. The Republican Governor told the Sacramento Bee Editorial Board on Friday that it is a easy to scapegoat illegal immigrants". But he says, the state budget has a much deeper spending imbalance. Governor Schwarzenegger noted the federal government requires California to provide emergency health care and education to illegal immigrants. Governor Schwarzenegger says illegal immigrants often help pick the state's crops and constructs it's buildings. Finally, Governor Schwarzenegger has given illegal immigrants permission to break the immigration laws of our country because they pick our crops. The people of California should vote this clown out of office for making these dumb statements.