Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Palin Slams Obama "Early Failure"

The Democrats, Republican and Liberal socialist media establishment has a serious problem with Gov. Palin Conservative middle class values. Gov. Palin is the most hated politician in America by both parties that means that she is the perfect person to the be the next President Of The United States. Gov. Palin said that the stimulus package dollars were a waste of money if it was not targeted for existing businesses that would create jobs. Gov. Palin is extremely, angry that our federal government is 11 trillion dollars in debt and climbing and we are still losing jobs everyday after passing a ridiculous stimulus plan. Gov. Palin also, expressed reservation that the federal government is borrowing billions of dollars from the communist Chinese that would leave our children indebted China in the future. Gov. Palin has been critical of the General Motors bailout and takeover by President Obama because it going to cost the American people 50 billion dollars in the early stages bankruptcy and untold billions in the future to keep the company alive. Gov. Plain is quoted saying that President Obama stimulus Plan is a "Early Failure" and that is supported by the unemployment rate reaching 9.4% the highest in 25 years when the Obama administration said if congress passed the $787 billion dollar stimulus bill the unemployment rate would not reach 8.0%. Finally, as much as liberal media smear Machine has tried to write her off , she is going to be a force in the Republican Party and 2012 General Election. Gov. Palin is already making a strong case against the President Obama stimulus plan failing and that she, warned the American people that it would be a waste of billions of dollars. Check Out VIDEO BELOW OF Gov. Palin at the GOP fundraiser last night in Washington D.C.

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