Thursday, June 11, 2009

Miranda Rights For Terrorist

The President the United States Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder has quietly informed the FBI, CIA and Military to start giving captured terrorist there "Miranda Rights". This would indicated, that President Obama is treating captured terrorist like United States Citizens with Constitutional Rights. This would also, indicate that we are going back to a pre-9/11 fight against terrorism because the Obama Justice Department is treating terrorism as if it was your average local neighborhood crime. Therefore, could you imagine if "Khalid Sheik Mohammad" was given his Miranda Rights we would have never got valueable information that saved thousands of American lives because under the Constitution he, had the "Right To Remain Silent". These new steps by the Obama Administration were verified by Congressman Mike Rogers who recently met with law enforcement officials, military and intelligence officials in a fact-finding trip to Afghanistan. Mike Rogers a former FBI agent and U.S Army Officer has said that Obama Administration has not briefed Congress on the new policy. I was a little surprised that it was taking place when I showed up because we had not been briefed on it. We are still trying to get to the bottom of it but, it is clearly part of this new global justice initiative. Finally. President Obama has truly, lost his mind by giving terrorist there Miranda Rights. This will stop the CIA and FBI from getting high valued information that may save millions of American lives in the future. If this information is true President Obama should be held accountable for making our country less safe.

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