Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obama Popularity Meaningless Fraud

President Obama popularity has not helped America cause when it comes to fighting World-Wide Terrorism. If President Obama popularity can not convince our allies in Europe to pledge additional troops to Afghanistan his popularity is meaningless. A few months ago while, in Europe the British government pledge a additional 1,000 troops for Afghanistan but, the rest of Europe committed a additional 5,000 non-combatant troops and they will be deployed only after there nations elections. The President is popular in Europe so, why can't he convince our allies to give more troops than President Bush during the last days of his Administration. The President has not stressed that Afghanistan and Pakistan is the center point in the war on terror. The Europeans should help America to eliminate Taliban and AL-Qaeda strongholds. Therefore, these bases help support the insurgents in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is all part of the same fight that the free world can not afford to lose. President Obama should demand that our European allies help rein in Iran nuclear ambitions in the Middle East. Despite years of talks by the Europeans the leader of Iran still wants the State Of Israel wiped off the face of the earth. Iran is racing ahead with it's nuclear enrichment and ballistic missile programs. Therefore, how important is President Obama popularity if he can't convince Germany to join the United States in increasing tough sanctions on the Iranian regime. Germany has become, Iran biggest trading partner even though the European Union talks are suppose to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. High popularity is helpful to any politician. After two trips to Europe President Obama clearly enjoys widespread popularity. Now the hard part comes. The difficult part, converting political capital into policy success. Finally, the history books will judge him on how effectively he does that, and that tends to be a more harsher critic than popularity polls.


  1. Wayward...Obama loves chaos...chaos fosters crisis and crisis calls for government intervention...he doesn't want these problems to resolve until they reach critical mass and he can wrest additional control!

  2. Excellent post today. You have nailed it! Keep up the great work!! :D
