Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Young Jews Hate Obama

I was going through a African-American Entertainment website called "Bossip" and I listened to some inebriated young "Jewish Americans" in a Jerusalem bar spouting off some of the most hate filled sentiments has garnered massive exposure and caused a firestorm in the media and the Jewish world. The Obama Administration has a lot of work to do in Israel because the majority of Israeli citizens don't trust Obama when it comes to protecting the State of Israel. In, a recent poll conducted by the Jerusalem Post 53% think that Obama policies are bad for Israel and 51% believes that President Obama cared more about the Palestinian State than the security of Israel. There is a a large misconception in Israel that President Obama is a underground Muslim and that he, is willing to abandon the State Of Israel for a peace deal with the Arab and terrorist world. Finally, watch the video and make a comment on what these Young Jewish Americans said about President Obama. This is a outrageous video.

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