Friday, March 20, 2009


The President said on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno that Secretary Timothy Geinther is doing a outstanding job. This sounds similar to President Bush saying that Secretary of FEMA Brownie was doing a excellent job while, people were dying in Hurricane Katrina. If this Clown Geinther is doing a outstanding job we are in some serious financial trouble because this clown does not have a banking plan in effect. I heard last night on Fox News that Treasury Secretary Geithner will be coming out with banking plan next week. This Treasury Secretary is so, incompetent that no one wants to work for him in the Treasury Department. There has been four Undersecretary Treasury nominees who have withdrawn there names form these top positions. The Treasury Department is in shambles because most of the important positions are not filled two months into the Obama Administration. Gus O Donnell of the Cabinet Secretary for The British Government was Quoted in this weeks British Newspapers saying that it has been unbelievably difficult to talk to people at the U.S. Treasury "There Is Nobody There." The statement that Timothy Geinther is doing a outstanding is worse than the bowling and Special Olympics joke because this clown is spending trillions our nation dollars and our nation future could be in balance. This clown finally, admitted that he asked Sen. Chris Dodd to take the provision out of the stimulus bill limiting bonuses to corporations who take government bailout money. Timothy Geinther said he found out about the bonuses on March 10 but we find a video on C-SPAN where Geinther talks about corporate bonuses on February 3 in front of a Congressional Committee. This clown Geinther is constantly in trouble because he, does not have any character. Finally, Geinther should have not been confirmed as Treasury Secretary because he did not pay his federal taxes. this should have been a sign to President Obama that Geinther was not the right man for the job. President Obama should fire Treasury Secretary Geinther as soon as he gets back to Washington. PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY

Thursday, March 19, 2009


The President said last night on Tonight Show with Jay Leno that he was stunned by the payouts of bonuses to AIG employees. The President own Treasury department helped take out language in the Stimulus Pork Bill so, the AIG could get there bonuses. The President and Democratic Party is not running to the cameras for the bonuses that Freddie Mac Employees are getting because Barney Frank and the rest of the clowns on Capital Hill support the failed government mortgage institution. Freddie Mac was destroyed by two Democrats Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson and had to be bailed out by the federal government. These two clown took home over a 150 million dollars in bonuses and you did not hear any outrage from Barney Frank or Chris Dodd. The liberal media has not done a investigation into the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because they would have expose the corruption of the Democratic Party. This phony outrage over AIG by the White House and Congress is because it is easy to beat up on failed corporate institutions but why is there no outrage at the way the government handles it's two mortgage institutions that are at the center of this housing crisis. I am tired of President Obama, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd using populism to try and destroy capitalism. It seems like everyone is on the populism bandwagon and no one has a plan to solve the economic crisis in America. Finally, Congress voted to pass a tax the AIG bonuses 90% and the State taxes will get the other 10%. This is Phony Bill is against the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. This Congress is breaking the law by singling out 70 American citizens and passing new taxes law after the contracts were legally singed by the employees. There should be outrage against Congress because if they can do it to AIG employees they can do to any American in this great Country. YOU CANNOT HAVE MOB RULE IN THIS COUNTRY.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The White House should be ashamed of the "Phony" outrage that President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geinther is showing over the AIG bonus scandal. This Administration knew about the bonuses last week and did not tell the American people until the scandal was reported by the media. The bonus part of the scandal is that Treasury Secretary Geinther was one of the architects of the AIG bailout plan and he says that did not know anything about the bonus provisions in there contracts. President Obama said that Timothy Geinther was important selection to his Administration because he knew all the Wall Street players who started this crisis and he could help fix the problem. The President and Treasury Secretary Geinther are starting to become the economic team team that could not shoot straight. The Treasury Secertarty gave AIG a extra 30 billion dollars without any strings attached so, they could give out bonus to there failed "London Derivatives Unit" that lost 40 billions dollars and almost destroyed the company. This "Clown" Geinther is one of the most incompetent public servants I have ever seen and he has only been on the job for two months. I personally believe that Geinther should resign and President Obama should name a new Treasury Secretary but who wants to work for a incompetent President who believes in Socialism. There is a underlying story to this scandal because there was a provision that Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine tried to put into the Dodd Amendment saying that corporations taking money from the federal government could no pay out more than $100,000 in bonuses to there company employees. This provision was stripped out of the Dodd Amendment at the last minute in the Conference Committee. The key question is who took out the provision so that AIG employees could get there bonuses. The biggest campaign recipients from AIG is Sen. Chris Dodd and President Obama and were the doing a favor for the failed company. Finally, the American people find out that Sen. Chris Dodd stripped the provision out of the stimulus bill because Treasury officials asked him to do it because, they thought the AIG contract bonuses were legal. Sen. Dodd also, said that the White Economic Adviser Larry Summers and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geinther knew about the bonuses weeks ago. The Democrats are starting to turn on each other because Sen. Wyden of Oregon is blaming Secretary Geinther for the AIG bonuses scandal. The Republicans are calling for Treasury Secretary Geinther to resign because of his incompetence in trying to handle this financial crisis. The Obama administration in the first two months has shown a level of incompetence that I have never seen in my lifetime and this is suppose to be the CHANGE WE ALL CAN BELIEVE IN.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


A New Pew Poll finds that Rank and file Republicans are not satisfied with there new leadership after losing the 2008 General Election. The new leader of the Republican Party will not come until we have a new Presidential nominee in 2012. The Republican Party membership is not satisfied with the leadership of RNC Charmian Micheal Steele because, they see the President Obama approval rating is at 65% and the Republican leadership is not making a dent into his Presidential Amour. The rank and file members will have to be patient with the party because they are going through a re-building process that may take four years. The party has to let President Obama socialist plans flow though the economy and see how his administration reacts to his policies if fail or succeed. The problem that the Republican Party is that they have no plan when it comes to fighting the Obama Machine on the battlefield ideas everyday. The Republican Party is not on point when it comes to having a leader who can tell the American people that the Obama Administration is making some serious mistakes trying to revive the economy. This is why RNC Chairman Micheal Steele is under fire because you must be on point with this well oiled Obama Machine. Therefore, when Christine Romer President Obama economic adviser said the economy was fundamentally sound why was there not a full-court press by the RNC that President Obama Administration was out of touch with reality. The RNC let the Obama Administration get away with making this outrageous statements, but if President Bush made the same statement the Democratic Party would have had a Jihad against all Republicans. The Republican Party needs to concentrate on re-building there grassroots campaign and fundraising. The Republican Party needs to get back to the Conservative values that helped them win back the House and Senate in 1994. The Republican Party needs to pick three core values jobs, taxes and defense for the next two years and talk to the American people about these issues. Finally, there is no magic bullet but, if you believe in Conservatism you will find a strategy that will defeat President Obama Socialism. Republicans have to remember socialism has always failed.

Monday, March 16, 2009


The President has spent trillions of dollars on this financial crisis and on socialist programs that don't stimulate the economy and now he is saying that the economy is fundamentally sound. The President spent 800 Billion dollars on a Stimulus Plan and now he, has to support the dollars spent with some so-called "Good News" saying the economy is fundamentally sound. I know that the stock market has had five postive days in a row but, that does not mean that the econmy is fundmentally sound. President Obama sounds like President Bush and Sen. John McCain who said the same exact words during the Wall Street meltdown. President Bush and Sen. McCain were widely criticized by liberal mainstream media for not being in touch with the American people when they made this horrible statement. The liberal media has not went on a "Jihad" against the Obama Administration and his economic advisers for making this outrageous statement. The President economic adviser said on Meet The Press that the economy is fundamentally sound when unemployment is at 8.1% and climbing across the nation. The President is saying on his weekly radio address that the economy is fundamentally sound when we have the highest level of Food Stamp Applications in the last 30 years. President Obama has lost touch with reality or he, has been taking to many push polls from Stanley Greenberg on what to say to the American people. The banks and financial institutions are on the brink of collapse and we are still pumping billions of dollars into AIG and the economy is fundamentally sound. The President should be a cheerleader for the American economy but to tell the average America without a job the the economy is fundamentally sound is absolutely crazy. This is change in rhetoric from the President from three weeks ago when he was talking gloom and doom to get his socialist policies passed by Congress. Therefore, this weekend "A Miracle Happened" the economy became fundamentally sound because the Messiah got his marching orders from his new focus group conducted by his henchmen in the White House. I can understand the President made a mistake when he made this statement because he did not have his teleprompter to read his daily statement to the American people. The RNC and Republicans in Congress should not let President and his economic advisers get away with this "Crazy Ass" statement and they should be running commercials in key battleground states for the mid-term elections saying that the President is out of touch with reality if he, thinks that the economy is fundamentally sound. Finally, these are the type of political games we are going to get from the Obama White House what ever the polls say weekly that is what President Obama will say and do to keep his approval ratings high. Hey! next week the economy will be booming.


I am tired of paying taxes in this country for failed socialist policies. I am paying taxes for everything including my local tax for my dog license. The taxes in America is getting out control and the American people are getting extremely angry. I live in New York State and Gov. Patterson in his latest socialist budget put in over a hundred new taxes for the residents of the state. The Governor said he, had to raise these taxes because of the state deficit. The Governor should have cut government spending instead of raising taxes but he, is scared of the powerful unions that run New York State and the Democratic Party. I live in upstate New York and we have to pay for all the socialist left-wing policies that come out New York City. I am paying a 8% county sales tax that was imposed two years ago and they said the tax would be temporary but, no tax is temporary when it comes to the government. The federal government wants more money from me so, I can support the Socialist policies of President Obama. President Obama will let the Bush tax cuts expire so, all American taxes will go up in 2011 and he will impose new taxes on the so-called rich who make over $250,000 dollars a year. The President is playing a shell game with the American people because there is no way you can pay for Health Care and Global Warming programs without going to the heart of the middle class for the money needed to pay for these programs. The President will need to raise taxes on everyone making over $50,000 to pay for these programs and that might not be enough. This is why you are starting to see tea party's all across America because, the American people are tired of paying taxes for a incompetent government. The government has become so, powerful in America they believe that they don't have to answer to the American people anymore. This is why you had a beginning of a revolution on Glen Beck Show because most Americans feel that our government is out of control spending almost 12 trillion dollars in six months. President Obama is not trying to fix the problems in the economy they are spending our valuable time trying to socialize our government because of the economic crisis. This President is not using my taxpayer dollars wisely but, what do you expect from the local, state and federal government. I HAVE TO GO TO WORK, SO I CAN GIVE HALF OF MY CHECK TO THE GOVERNMENT