Monday, March 16, 2009


The President has spent trillions of dollars on this financial crisis and on socialist programs that don't stimulate the economy and now he is saying that the economy is fundamentally sound. The President spent 800 Billion dollars on a Stimulus Plan and now he, has to support the dollars spent with some so-called "Good News" saying the economy is fundamentally sound. I know that the stock market has had five postive days in a row but, that does not mean that the econmy is fundmentally sound. President Obama sounds like President Bush and Sen. John McCain who said the same exact words during the Wall Street meltdown. President Bush and Sen. McCain were widely criticized by liberal mainstream media for not being in touch with the American people when they made this horrible statement. The liberal media has not went on a "Jihad" against the Obama Administration and his economic advisers for making this outrageous statement. The President economic adviser said on Meet The Press that the economy is fundamentally sound when unemployment is at 8.1% and climbing across the nation. The President is saying on his weekly radio address that the economy is fundamentally sound when we have the highest level of Food Stamp Applications in the last 30 years. President Obama has lost touch with reality or he, has been taking to many push polls from Stanley Greenberg on what to say to the American people. The banks and financial institutions are on the brink of collapse and we are still pumping billions of dollars into AIG and the economy is fundamentally sound. The President should be a cheerleader for the American economy but to tell the average America without a job the the economy is fundamentally sound is absolutely crazy. This is change in rhetoric from the President from three weeks ago when he was talking gloom and doom to get his socialist policies passed by Congress. Therefore, this weekend "A Miracle Happened" the economy became fundamentally sound because the Messiah got his marching orders from his new focus group conducted by his henchmen in the White House. I can understand the President made a mistake when he made this statement because he did not have his teleprompter to read his daily statement to the American people. The RNC and Republicans in Congress should not let President and his economic advisers get away with this "Crazy Ass" statement and they should be running commercials in key battleground states for the mid-term elections saying that the President is out of touch with reality if he, thinks that the economy is fundamentally sound. Finally, these are the type of political games we are going to get from the Obama White House what ever the polls say weekly that is what President Obama will say and do to keep his approval ratings high. Hey! next week the economy will be booming.

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