Tuesday, March 17, 2009


A New Pew Poll finds that Rank and file Republicans are not satisfied with there new leadership after losing the 2008 General Election. The new leader of the Republican Party will not come until we have a new Presidential nominee in 2012. The Republican Party membership is not satisfied with the leadership of RNC Charmian Micheal Steele because, they see the President Obama approval rating is at 65% and the Republican leadership is not making a dent into his Presidential Amour. The rank and file members will have to be patient with the party because they are going through a re-building process that may take four years. The party has to let President Obama socialist plans flow though the economy and see how his administration reacts to his policies if fail or succeed. The problem that the Republican Party is that they have no plan when it comes to fighting the Obama Machine on the battlefield ideas everyday. The Republican Party is not on point when it comes to having a leader who can tell the American people that the Obama Administration is making some serious mistakes trying to revive the economy. This is why RNC Chairman Micheal Steele is under fire because you must be on point with this well oiled Obama Machine. Therefore, when Christine Romer President Obama economic adviser said the economy was fundamentally sound why was there not a full-court press by the RNC that President Obama Administration was out of touch with reality. The RNC let the Obama Administration get away with making this outrageous statements, but if President Bush made the same statement the Democratic Party would have had a Jihad against all Republicans. The Republican Party needs to concentrate on re-building there grassroots campaign and fundraising. The Republican Party needs to get back to the Conservative values that helped them win back the House and Senate in 1994. The Republican Party needs to pick three core values jobs, taxes and defense for the next two years and talk to the American people about these issues. Finally, there is no magic bullet but, if you believe in Conservatism you will find a strategy that will defeat President Obama Socialism. Republicans have to remember socialism has always failed.

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