Monday, March 16, 2009


I am tired of paying taxes in this country for failed socialist policies. I am paying taxes for everything including my local tax for my dog license. The taxes in America is getting out control and the American people are getting extremely angry. I live in New York State and Gov. Patterson in his latest socialist budget put in over a hundred new taxes for the residents of the state. The Governor said he, had to raise these taxes because of the state deficit. The Governor should have cut government spending instead of raising taxes but he, is scared of the powerful unions that run New York State and the Democratic Party. I live in upstate New York and we have to pay for all the socialist left-wing policies that come out New York City. I am paying a 8% county sales tax that was imposed two years ago and they said the tax would be temporary but, no tax is temporary when it comes to the government. The federal government wants more money from me so, I can support the Socialist policies of President Obama. President Obama will let the Bush tax cuts expire so, all American taxes will go up in 2011 and he will impose new taxes on the so-called rich who make over $250,000 dollars a year. The President is playing a shell game with the American people because there is no way you can pay for Health Care and Global Warming programs without going to the heart of the middle class for the money needed to pay for these programs. The President will need to raise taxes on everyone making over $50,000 to pay for these programs and that might not be enough. This is why you are starting to see tea party's all across America because, the American people are tired of paying taxes for a incompetent government. The government has become so, powerful in America they believe that they don't have to answer to the American people anymore. This is why you had a beginning of a revolution on Glen Beck Show because most Americans feel that our government is out of control spending almost 12 trillion dollars in six months. President Obama is not trying to fix the problems in the economy they are spending our valuable time trying to socialize our government because of the economic crisis. This President is not using my taxpayer dollars wisely but, what do you expect from the local, state and federal government. I HAVE TO GO TO WORK, SO I CAN GIVE HALF OF MY CHECK TO THE GOVERNMENT

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