Friday, March 20, 2009


The President said on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno that Secretary Timothy Geinther is doing a outstanding job. This sounds similar to President Bush saying that Secretary of FEMA Brownie was doing a excellent job while, people were dying in Hurricane Katrina. If this Clown Geinther is doing a outstanding job we are in some serious financial trouble because this clown does not have a banking plan in effect. I heard last night on Fox News that Treasury Secretary Geithner will be coming out with banking plan next week. This Treasury Secretary is so, incompetent that no one wants to work for him in the Treasury Department. There has been four Undersecretary Treasury nominees who have withdrawn there names form these top positions. The Treasury Department is in shambles because most of the important positions are not filled two months into the Obama Administration. Gus O Donnell of the Cabinet Secretary for The British Government was Quoted in this weeks British Newspapers saying that it has been unbelievably difficult to talk to people at the U.S. Treasury "There Is Nobody There." The statement that Timothy Geinther is doing a outstanding is worse than the bowling and Special Olympics joke because this clown is spending trillions our nation dollars and our nation future could be in balance. This clown finally, admitted that he asked Sen. Chris Dodd to take the provision out of the stimulus bill limiting bonuses to corporations who take government bailout money. Timothy Geinther said he found out about the bonuses on March 10 but we find a video on C-SPAN where Geinther talks about corporate bonuses on February 3 in front of a Congressional Committee. This clown Geinther is constantly in trouble because he, does not have any character. Finally, Geinther should have not been confirmed as Treasury Secretary because he did not pay his federal taxes. this should have been a sign to President Obama that Geinther was not the right man for the job. President Obama should fire Treasury Secretary Geinther as soon as he gets back to Washington. PRAY FOR OUR COUNTRY

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