Thursday, March 19, 2009


The President said last night on Tonight Show with Jay Leno that he was stunned by the payouts of bonuses to AIG employees. The President own Treasury department helped take out language in the Stimulus Pork Bill so, the AIG could get there bonuses. The President and Democratic Party is not running to the cameras for the bonuses that Freddie Mac Employees are getting because Barney Frank and the rest of the clowns on Capital Hill support the failed government mortgage institution. Freddie Mac was destroyed by two Democrats Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson and had to be bailed out by the federal government. These two clown took home over a 150 million dollars in bonuses and you did not hear any outrage from Barney Frank or Chris Dodd. The liberal media has not done a investigation into the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because they would have expose the corruption of the Democratic Party. This phony outrage over AIG by the White House and Congress is because it is easy to beat up on failed corporate institutions but why is there no outrage at the way the government handles it's two mortgage institutions that are at the center of this housing crisis. I am tired of President Obama, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd using populism to try and destroy capitalism. It seems like everyone is on the populism bandwagon and no one has a plan to solve the economic crisis in America. Finally, Congress voted to pass a tax the AIG bonuses 90% and the State taxes will get the other 10%. This is Phony Bill is against the Bill Of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. This Congress is breaking the law by singling out 70 American citizens and passing new taxes law after the contracts were legally singed by the employees. There should be outrage against Congress because if they can do it to AIG employees they can do to any American in this great Country. YOU CANNOT HAVE MOB RULE IN THIS COUNTRY.

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