Saturday, January 31, 2009


The Left-Wing is back at it again with there hateful rhetoric calling Rush Limbaugh a "Corpulent Drug Addict" while on CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzer Show. The Clinton hate machine headed by Paul Begala is 100% behind the President Obama and they are trying to isolate Conservative Talk Show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity so, they can destroy the Conservative movement. Wolf Blitzer was talking about the new Head of the RNC Micheal Steele and this clown Begala goes after Rush Limbaugh for not supporting President Obama Stimulus Plan. The "Polticio Piece" says the Obama Administration Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel is having daily briefing sessions with Begala, Carville and Stephanopoulos about how they can package President Obama Stimulus Package to the American people. Therefore, could you imagine if President McCain was having daily Briefing session with Karl Rove this would be front page news in the "New York Criminal Times". The Liberal media would be saying that Fox News is now controlling the White House. The liberal Blogs would be going crazy trying to get a clear explanation from the McCain Administration. This is the new Obama Democratic Party which sends political "HitMen" out to destroy there enemies in the Republican Party without any dirt on President Obama. Welcome to "Change We All Can Beleive In" America.

Friday, January 30, 2009


I was reading the "New York Criminal Times" and I read a article that President Obama starts work at 9 a.m. in the mourning. The problems that we have with our economy don't you think you would get to work a little bit earlier. If President Obama got to work a little bit earlier maybe, he could have written his own Stimulus Bill, instead of letting Queen Nancy Pelosi and her "Merry Socialist Bandits" write the Bill. This President seems to be more interested in his Presidential image instead of writing quality legislation that could stimulate the economy and create jobs for the American people. President Obama is also, trying to change the formal image of the Oval Office by letting his staff and friends take off there jackets in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is not a Country Club where you can change formal rules and regulations because, you think it is cool to your Left-Wing friends in Hollywood. This President needs to get his eye on the target and provide the country with some meaningful legislation which is not filled with Socialist Welfare programs. President Obama put a pork filled Stimulus Bill on the table that will "create 25 New Federal Programs" that will be part of the federal budget in the next four years. Furthermore, if President Obama got to work a little bit earlier maybe, he could have found a better Treasury Secretary and Attorney General. President Obama has another problem with one of his nominees because, "Tom Touchdown Daschle" has a problem with his taxes. Daschle failed to pay taxes on his car service for three years. Daschle has paid the taxes and the interest on the car service. This sounds familiar to someone who was confirmed as Treasury Secretary and this also, shows that President Obama is not doing his job because these nominees should be vetted thoroughly by his Administration. Finally, this President is more interested in formal dressed weekends than putting forth policies that can be supported by Democrats and Republicans. The President and his handlers are more interested in his creating a "Kennedy Type Image" because they know that President Obama is not up for the task of being President Of The United States.


There is no one in America would have predicted a Super Bowl Game Between the Arizona Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Steelers before the season started. The Steelers were one of the favorites to go to the Super Bowl in the AFC because, they have one of the best defenses in the NFL and a solid Offense. The Steelers Defense did not allow over 300 yards of offense in a game this season and if they keep the Cardinals under that Magic Mark this could be a record that stands for decades. The Steelers Defense if led by one of the greatest Safeties of All-Time Troy Polamalu who is the "Gold Standard" when it comes to defense players in the NFL. Troy is everywhere on the Football Field making plays that win football games for the Steelers. The Steelers Defense is also, led by the outstanding outside Linebacker tandem of James Harrison and Lamar Woodley who both had double digit sacks this season. Harrison was the Defensive Player Of The Year in the NFL and he, was a free agent draft pick who turned into a superstar after they released Joey Porter. The Steelers Defense Coordinator Dick Lebeou is one of the greatest Defensive Coordinators of All-Time because he, always puts his Defensive players in the best position to make plays. This Steelers Defensive reminds me of the 1980's when you have great Defenses in the NFC like New York Giants, Washington Redskins, Chicago Bears and San Fransisco 49ers. The Steelers have a old school Offensive that believes in Running the Football first wins football games. The Steelers running game is lead by Willie Parker who had a down season this year because of injuries but, in the playoffs has taken his game to another level. The Leader of the Steelers Offense is one of the best leaders in the NFL and his name is Ben Roethlisberger the Steelers starting Quarterback. Ben has already in his short career has led the Steelers to one Super Bowl victory and this Sunday he, can start writing his own history as one of the greatest Quarterbacks in the history of the NFL. The Cardinals have the second longest losing streak when it comes to teams not winning a Major Sports Championship. The Cardinals are behind the Chicago Cubs who haven't won a Championship in 100 years. The Cardinals seem to have some type of mojo go on because, they are making plays that the Cardinals never make in a football games especially in the playoffs. This Cardinals Football team is lead by the "Miracle Man" Curt Warner who seems to have the magic touch. Curt started his career in Arena Football League as a Quarterback and now he, will be going to his Third Super Bowl as a starting Quarterback with two different teams. Curt has had a tremendous season throwing the Football to Larry Fitzgerald and Anquian Bolden who both had a excellent season. Larry Fitzgerald has had a break out season that has made him the best Wide Receiver in the NFL. Larry has broken all the playoff receiving records held by Jerry Rice this season. Larry Fitzgerald tremendous play at Wide Receiver and a new improved running game led by Edgeren James has taken the Cardinals Offense to another level in the playoffs. The Cardinal Defense is very underrated but it has a lot of young talent starting with there safety Adrian Wilson who is the anchors to there Defense. The strongest part of there Defense is their Safety combination of Adrian Wilson and Antolle Rolle because they always seem to be around the football making plays. The Cardinals have some nice young Linebackers starting with Carlos Dansbey who anchors the young core. The Cardinals seem to be on the same ride that the Giants where on last year when they won the Super Bowl. Finally, you have two excellent young coaches trying to win there first Super Bowl Mike Tomlin and Ken Wisenhunt. The story behind these two coaches is that everyone thought when Coach Bill Cowher retired as Head Coach of the Steelers that Ken Wisenhunt would get the job but, it went to Mike Tolmin. The Cardinals in the same year hired Ken Wisenhunt as there Head Coach and now we will finally see if the Rooney Family made the right decision when they hired Mike Tomlin as Head Coach. I truly, think that this is a "Magical Year" for the Cardinals and I expect the Cardinals to pull off a upset and defeat the Steelers 27-20

Thursday, January 29, 2009


The other day Vice President Al Gore was is in town creating another stir about "Global Warming". The Washington D.C. area had a couple of inches of snow and he, is still crying and lying about Global Warming. Sir Albert Gore appeared in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in front of another Clown Sen. John Kerry the ranking member of the Committee. Vice President Gore said that the earth is in "Grave Danger" and we need to break our dependence on oil. Vice President Gore said in his opening remarks that the Senate should pass President Obama Stimulus Package as fast as possible. Sen. john Kerry said that "Climate Change" will be a central part of our foreign policy and national security and a focal point of this committee. Sen. Kerry could not look outside his committee window and see that the weather was extremely cold and it was not 80 degrees outside. Vice President Gore can't wait for the stimulus package to pass because, of all the earmarks the Democrats and President Obama put in the package for these Global Warming Nuts. finally, I could spend hours talking about the Global Warming Nuts in the Obama Administration. Hey! just go outside right now and see if there is anything abnormal about the temperatures where you live, because I live in Upstate New York and it is cold as hell. I need some Global Warming Temperatures Vice President Al Gore.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I believe that "My Own American Stimulus Plan" is more cost effective to Americans than President Obama One Trillion Dollar Stimulus Plan that will bankrupt our children's future. The First part, of my Stimulus Plan is to have a "Federal Tax Free Holiday" for the next six months. This means that Average American can take that extra money home in Federal Taxes in there next Paycheck and stimulate the American economy right away. The extra money in there pockets will help Americans through these tough times. The Second part, of my Stimulus Plan is to lower all six "Income Tax Brackets Five Percent" that means if at the top you pay 35% you will pay 30% and at the bottom if you pay 10% you will now pay 5% and that will stimulate the economy right away. The Third Part, of my Stimulus Plan is to lower all Capital Gains Rates 75% on dividends and that will release a lot of extra money to be invested into the American Economy. President Obama was asked this question by Charlie Gibson of ABC News that cutting the Capital Gains Rate helps the economy, because people use that money to invest in the American economy and create jobs. President Obama as usual did not know what the hell Charlie Gibson was talking about when it came to cutting the Capital Gains Rates. The Fourth Part, Of my Stimulus Plan is is to have a Tax Free Holiday for "Three Years" if people decide to take money out of their IRA because, they have been laid off from there job. This should be enacted today by Congress so, that Americans can access this money without paying a large penalty because of the country economic woes. The Fifth part, of my Stimulus Plan is to lower all taxes on small businesses because, they create 80% of all the jobs in America. I believe that there should be a Government infusion of 50 Billion Dollars into small business who want to expand their workforce in the next two years. Finally, lower all corporate taxes in America 5% because, of declining profits and a smaller workforce. The more money Corporate America has in it's own pocket the more they can spend on new employees and new technology. This plan that I have put forth could stimulate the economy right away if it was enacted by Congress and the President today. President Obama Stimulus Package is not going to stimulate the economy it is just another waste of a Trillion Dollars.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


President Obama is making a critical mistake if he, thinks that his One Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package will solve our country economic woes. President Obama thinks that his Stimulus Bill will have the same affect as the New Deal had in the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I believe that his Stimulus Package will have the same affect as the "New Deal" and it will drive our country into a "Great Depression". The history books lied to most American telling them that the "New Deal" solved the Great depression, but it was the beginning of World War Two that created millions of Manufacturing jobs for the American people. The Obama Administration is making the same mistake the Bush Administration made buy throwing Billions of taxpayers dollars away on a stimulus package that did not work. The Washington political elite told us that the 150 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package back in early 2008 would solve our country economic problems. Then we were told that the 700 Billion dollar TARP Bailout Plan would solve our economic problems by freeing up credit so, that banks could loan money to the American people. President Obama steps forward today with a Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package that is suppose to create 4 million new jobs in two years. The Congressional Budget Office the Gold standard in Washington says that the Obama Administration is lying about how many jobs they will create in this flawed Stimulus Package. The liberals have already started attacking the Congressional Budget Office for not being fair to the Obama Administration. The Democrats loved the Congressional Budget Office when they came out with negative information about the Bush Administration. In this so, called Stimulus Package they are spending 640 Million Dollars on contraceptives and other useless programs that will not help the Average American get a job. President Obama should have started with a small stimulus package cutting the Capital Gain taxes rate and lowering corporate taxes 50% so, that corporations can keep there money through these hard economic times. The President should have given money to small business because, they employee about 80% of the American workforce. This stimulus Package is crazy when you think about how much debt we are going to leave for future generations. This is like a recurring nightmare and we are in 1920's Germany and we are printing money as fast as we can spend it on programs that we not solve our basic economic problems. The Federal And State Governments across this nation need to go on a diet and tighten their belts or we will will be the next nation state in history were they will be showing films of American people going to the store with a barrel of money trying to buy some bread.

Monday, January 26, 2009


The Obama Administration will seek a worldwide ban on space weapons which will mark a dramatic shift in American policy. It has promised to look at the threats to U.S. satellites, contingency plans to keep information flowing from them and what is needed to protect spacecraft from attack from forgein countries. This issue is being watched by Lockheed Martin, Boeing Co. and Northrup Corp, the largest defense Contractors and other companies involved in military and civilian contracts. There are some watchdog groups and military officials who welcomed the statement, which echoed, President Obama campaign promise, but it would take time to hammer out the comprehensive new strategy, enacting a global ban on space weapons could prove to be even harder. Therefore, it is difficult to define what is actually, a a weapon because even seemingly harmless weather satellite could be used to slam into and disable other satellites, said two U.S. officials involved in the area who were not authorized to speak publicly. Furthermore, China used used a missile to destroy one of its own satellites in a test that raised worries about a new arms race in space. The incident may have created thousands of pieces of debris in space. The U.S. also destroyed one of its own satellites in space, saying that its toxic fuel could pose a danger if it fell to earth. A Defense Official said that the Obama Administration has not yet held briefings for top officials working on military space issues, but it is clear that the shift would go towards a more diplomatic initiatives. The work on classified projects maybe halted by the Obama Administration in favor of more monitoring and passive protection efforts he said. Finally, it seems like this is a real shift from Bush administration policy but, it will not happen immediately without a comprehensive review of the program. President Obama acknowledged that during his campaign that achieving a global ban on space weapons could be a daunting challenge. The President will propose a simple code of conduct for responsible space far-nations. The one key code is that there will be a prohibition against harmful interference against satellites.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


The Vatican and Life Organizations are disappointed with President Obama when he, signed a Executive Order to end the ban of federal funding for International Groups that perform abortions or provide information for them. The Vatican urged President Obama to listen to all voices in America before making a very hostile position towards life. President Obama has already started out his Administration with the arrogance of power and a attitude that they believe that can decide life and death. The President also, supports the Freedom Of Choice Act that will impose abortion and Partial Birth abortion on every State in the Union. Therefore, it seems like "Change" is on the way when it comes to killing the unborn. This deals the right to Life movement a harsh blow across the world who happen to fight against the slaughter against the Innocent killing of the unborn. President Obama has proven in his first few days in office that he, is a left-wing liberal when it comes to the major cultural issues of the day. The closing of GITMO and abortion right have shown that he, is not bipartisan but a true liberal who will always side with his left wing base. The only good thing that happened this week when it came to abortion is that Planned Parenthood laidoff 20% of it's staff. The criminal Organization said that they made the layoffs because of the recession and the challenging times in America. Finally, it is a great day when Planned Parenthood has to get rid of 30 employees who spent their time finding ways to kill the unborn. I "Hope" that the individuals who lost there jobs at Planned Parenthood find jobs as quickly as possible in a much more rewarding job that does not promote killing the unborn.