Sunday, January 25, 2009


The Vatican and Life Organizations are disappointed with President Obama when he, signed a Executive Order to end the ban of federal funding for International Groups that perform abortions or provide information for them. The Vatican urged President Obama to listen to all voices in America before making a very hostile position towards life. President Obama has already started out his Administration with the arrogance of power and a attitude that they believe that can decide life and death. The President also, supports the Freedom Of Choice Act that will impose abortion and Partial Birth abortion on every State in the Union. Therefore, it seems like "Change" is on the way when it comes to killing the unborn. This deals the right to Life movement a harsh blow across the world who happen to fight against the slaughter against the Innocent killing of the unborn. President Obama has proven in his first few days in office that he, is a left-wing liberal when it comes to the major cultural issues of the day. The closing of GITMO and abortion right have shown that he, is not bipartisan but a true liberal who will always side with his left wing base. The only good thing that happened this week when it came to abortion is that Planned Parenthood laidoff 20% of it's staff. The criminal Organization said that they made the layoffs because of the recession and the challenging times in America. Finally, it is a great day when Planned Parenthood has to get rid of 30 employees who spent their time finding ways to kill the unborn. I "Hope" that the individuals who lost there jobs at Planned Parenthood find jobs as quickly as possible in a much more rewarding job that does not promote killing the unborn.

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