Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I believe that "My Own American Stimulus Plan" is more cost effective to Americans than President Obama One Trillion Dollar Stimulus Plan that will bankrupt our children's future. The First part, of my Stimulus Plan is to have a "Federal Tax Free Holiday" for the next six months. This means that Average American can take that extra money home in Federal Taxes in there next Paycheck and stimulate the American economy right away. The extra money in there pockets will help Americans through these tough times. The Second part, of my Stimulus Plan is to lower all six "Income Tax Brackets Five Percent" that means if at the top you pay 35% you will pay 30% and at the bottom if you pay 10% you will now pay 5% and that will stimulate the economy right away. The Third Part, of my Stimulus Plan is to lower all Capital Gains Rates 75% on dividends and that will release a lot of extra money to be invested into the American Economy. President Obama was asked this question by Charlie Gibson of ABC News that cutting the Capital Gains Rate helps the economy, because people use that money to invest in the American economy and create jobs. President Obama as usual did not know what the hell Charlie Gibson was talking about when it came to cutting the Capital Gains Rates. The Fourth Part, Of my Stimulus Plan is is to have a Tax Free Holiday for "Three Years" if people decide to take money out of their IRA because, they have been laid off from there job. This should be enacted today by Congress so, that Americans can access this money without paying a large penalty because of the country economic woes. The Fifth part, of my Stimulus Plan is to lower all taxes on small businesses because, they create 80% of all the jobs in America. I believe that there should be a Government infusion of 50 Billion Dollars into small business who want to expand their workforce in the next two years. Finally, lower all corporate taxes in America 5% because, of declining profits and a smaller workforce. The more money Corporate America has in it's own pocket the more they can spend on new employees and new technology. This plan that I have put forth could stimulate the economy right away if it was enacted by Congress and the President today. President Obama Stimulus Package is not going to stimulate the economy it is just another waste of a Trillion Dollars.

1 comment:

  1. I like you stimulus plan, but, I think mine is even better. My plan calls for ordinary people to make contributions to assist in paying for bills. Instead of the government dictating where the taxpayer's money should go, let's just allow the American people to decide where they want their money to.

    My Own Stimulus Plan
