Thursday, January 29, 2009


The other day Vice President Al Gore was is in town creating another stir about "Global Warming". The Washington D.C. area had a couple of inches of snow and he, is still crying and lying about Global Warming. Sir Albert Gore appeared in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in front of another Clown Sen. John Kerry the ranking member of the Committee. Vice President Gore said that the earth is in "Grave Danger" and we need to break our dependence on oil. Vice President Gore said in his opening remarks that the Senate should pass President Obama Stimulus Package as fast as possible. Sen. john Kerry said that "Climate Change" will be a central part of our foreign policy and national security and a focal point of this committee. Sen. Kerry could not look outside his committee window and see that the weather was extremely cold and it was not 80 degrees outside. Vice President Gore can't wait for the stimulus package to pass because, of all the earmarks the Democrats and President Obama put in the package for these Global Warming Nuts. finally, I could spend hours talking about the Global Warming Nuts in the Obama Administration. Hey! just go outside right now and see if there is anything abnormal about the temperatures where you live, because I live in Upstate New York and it is cold as hell. I need some Global Warming Temperatures Vice President Al Gore.

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