Tuesday, January 27, 2009


President Obama is making a critical mistake if he, thinks that his One Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package will solve our country economic woes. President Obama thinks that his Stimulus Bill will have the same affect as the New Deal had in the 1930's under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. I believe that his Stimulus Package will have the same affect as the "New Deal" and it will drive our country into a "Great Depression". The history books lied to most American telling them that the "New Deal" solved the Great depression, but it was the beginning of World War Two that created millions of Manufacturing jobs for the American people. The Obama Administration is making the same mistake the Bush Administration made buy throwing Billions of taxpayers dollars away on a stimulus package that did not work. The Washington political elite told us that the 150 Billion Dollar Stimulus Package back in early 2008 would solve our country economic problems. Then we were told that the 700 Billion dollar TARP Bailout Plan would solve our economic problems by freeing up credit so, that banks could loan money to the American people. President Obama steps forward today with a Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package that is suppose to create 4 million new jobs in two years. The Congressional Budget Office the Gold standard in Washington says that the Obama Administration is lying about how many jobs they will create in this flawed Stimulus Package. The liberals have already started attacking the Congressional Budget Office for not being fair to the Obama Administration. The Democrats loved the Congressional Budget Office when they came out with negative information about the Bush Administration. In this so, called Stimulus Package they are spending 640 Million Dollars on contraceptives and other useless programs that will not help the Average American get a job. President Obama should have started with a small stimulus package cutting the Capital Gain taxes rate and lowering corporate taxes 50% so, that corporations can keep there money through these hard economic times. The President should have given money to small business because, they employee about 80% of the American workforce. This stimulus Package is crazy when you think about how much debt we are going to leave for future generations. This is like a recurring nightmare and we are in 1920's Germany and we are printing money as fast as we can spend it on programs that we not solve our basic economic problems. The Federal And State Governments across this nation need to go on a diet and tighten their belts or we will will be the next nation state in history were they will be showing films of American people going to the store with a barrel of money trying to buy some bread.

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