Thursday, January 15, 2009


The Republicans in Congress are willing to let flawed candidates like Timothy Geinther, Carol Browner and Eric Holder pass there conformation hearings without a scratch on there body. The Republicans have turned into a bunch of "Punks" ever since, the election of President-Elect Obama. The Republican Party in general is running scared and they feel if they don't let President-Elect Obama have his original cabinet choices they will pay with the voters in 2010. The Republican Party has to make a stand on one of these flawed candidates especially, Treasury Secretary-Elect Timothy Geinther because, this clown refused to pay his taxes several times in the past eight years. This is a country of laws and if the incoming Treasury Secretary cannot pay his taxes this gives me as a American citizen a insight into his flawed "Cheating ASS" character. Timothy Geinther will also, be in charge of the IRS and this is a bad example that President-Elect Obama is setting because, he came in on a pledge of making "Change" and all I see is the same ole Washington Insider crap. The Republicans are actually saying that this clown Geinther is to important to be rejected as Treasury Secretary because he, understands how to use the TARP Funds. Therefore, are you telling American people that this is the only qualified person in America who can do the job as Treasury Secretary because, he is he only clown who knows how to spend the taxpayers next 350 billion dollars. The Republicans in Congress are willing to let a communist like Carol Browner take office without a fight or even a scratch on her, socialist body. Mrs. Browner will make environmental policy that will affect Americans lives for the next four years and that could affect the free enterprise system in America with new regulations that and could cost small businesses billions of dollars. The Republicans in the Senate today joked with Eric Holder who signed off on the pardon of Mark Rich who was a fugitive of American justice and Holder simply called it a mistake and that he, had learned his lesson. Holder was also, responsible for helping FLAN terrorist get pardons instead of standing up against President Clinton he, went along for the ride even though the FBI requested that these terrorist should not get a pardons. Finally, Conservatives in America will have to make a stand the next four years because, the Republican Party seems unwilling to stand up and fight against the "Prophet Obama". The Conservative movement must build a strong base again and stand on the principals that President Reagan built while he, was President Of The United States for eight years. We must fight against the "Liberal Socialist Smear Machine" and create a Conservative message that will inspire the American people in the next four years.

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