Saturday, January 17, 2009


The House Democratic Leadership is extremely, mad at Queen Nancy Pelosi because it seems that she, is taking all the power away from the Committee Chairman when writing legalisation for the up coming Stimulus Bill. The Chairman of these Committees have been forced to wait on the sidelines as monumental bills are being written in Queen Nancy Pelosi's office. The leaders of these Committees are complaining louder and more often because, they want a return to order when bills are written in Committee is long overdue. The members warned Pelosi if the closed door legislative process does not change with the Economic Recovery Bill frustration could boil over and spill over onto the floor of the Congress. This is really coming to a head soon Rep. Bart Stupak who Chairs The Energy and Commerce Oversight Committee. The question is are we actually going to legislate, There is a opportunity for us to turn this corner, but we have not done it yet with Speaker Pelosi. Majority Leader Steny Hoyer indicated the there would be some Committee markups on the Stimulus Bill especially, in the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. On Wednesday the Democratic leaders unveiled to markup the Stimulus Bill to 825 billion dollars by two Committees the Ways And Means and Appropriations Committee. Many Democrats feel frozen out of the process because of the need to quickly enact the Stimulus Bill. Rep. Alice Hastings the Third Ranking Member on the Rules Committee said that members brought this up in our caucus meetings. In the case of the Stimulus Bill is much too important to slow down, but in the future he continued , it would be better to go through the process slowly and the hits and misses that come with that. Rep. Defazio is hearing the same urgency out the Obama administration appointees that I heard out of the Bush Officials when it comes to the Economic Recovery Plan. Rep. Defazio says the we can make suggestions but, it is a top down process. Rep. Defazio said that she is very aware of our concerns and she is not unreceptive to pushbacks she is getting from caucus members and she is not telling us to it down and be quite. Finally, Queen Nancy has promised the Committee Charmian that there will be regular order in Congress once we get past the Stimulus Bill.

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