Thursday, January 15, 2009


President Obama plans to allow gays to to openly serve in the United States military by overturning the controversial "Don't ask, Don't Tell " policy is the first big mistake in his administration. This is the wrong time to try and change military policy when we are fighting two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This will start a culture war within the United States military and turn a lot of the rank and file military personnel against President Obama who they are already skeptical of because of the things he, said about the military while, campaigning for President . President Obama should keep the same policy in place because, who is going to enforce this policy in a conservative military. This already shows that President Obama is trying to social engineer the military and that is a serious problem with senior officers who will not like this decision because it will break down the confidence in morality of the average soldier. President Obama is falling into the same liberal socialist trap that President Clinton fell into trying to make policy when it is unnecessary. The Gay community in America is eager for a quick repeal of the the "Don't ask Don't tell" policy but, hey have fears that it could take months before the new administration reaches a consensus with lawmakers and the military. Finally, there are some people who say that President Obama can do this quickly but, he could face the same kind of fallout that President Clinton faced when he tackled the devise issue.

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