Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sen. Boxer "Call Me Senator"

Sen. Barbra Boxer California has truly, lost her mind when she corrected General Micheal Walsh for calling her "Ma am". During a routine hearing before the Environmental Public Works Committee Walsh refereed to Sen. Boxer "ma am" a statement Sen. Boxer did not appreciate. Sen. Boxer told Gen. Walsh "Do me a favor can you say Senator" instead of "ma am". Boxer said interrupting the Army General. It is just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title, so I would appreciate it. 'Thank You". Walsh responded Yes Senator. Sen. Boxer arrogance was shown in front of a General who has spent his life protecting America. The General was using basic protocol that most military officers use when speaking to a women of power. The United States Military Officers deserve better treatment from members of Congress and she should be reprimanded by her fellow senators for this disgraceful statement. This type of disrespect shows the attitude that most Democrats have toward the United States Military. I am tired of Sen. Boxer, Sen. Durbin and Rep. John Murtha taking personal shots at the military and there seems to be no repercussions for there childish actions. There is no outrage by the liberal media because, they have same disdain for the United States Military. Therefore, liberal members can say anything about the military and it will be brushed over by the so-called media. America welcome to the world of Obama. Watch the video from the Congressional hearing below the second article. Make a comment on the line below.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ayatollah Khamenei Disputed Election Speech

The Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made his first public statement after the disputed election in Iran. Ayatollah Khamenei appealed for calm in the streets from opposition supporters of Mousavi. The Ayatollah used this opportunity to blame the "Enemies of Islam" for the electoral problems in Iran. The Ayatollah Khamenei called for patience from the crowd of thousands of men that the Enemies of Islam have always attempted to create agitation in the hearts of Muslims. Ayatollah Khamenei gave his speech on Friday''s prayer in Tehran which only happens three times a year. The Ayatollah Khamenei has already certified the election on June 12 for President Ahmandinejad which has caused some of the biggest demonstrations since the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Iranian television showed a crowded hall full of supporters cheering Ayatollah Khamenei speech. This speech comes a day After several Mousavi protesters where killed by Iranian secret police thugs. The large protests around the country of Iran Thursday mourned the death of these courageous soldiers for freedom in Iran. These massive protests have put the hard-line Islamic regime on the defensive for the first time in 30 years. Mousavi has the backing of the majority of Iranian's who are under the age 0f 30 years old. This is a serious problem for Ayatollah Khamenei and President Ahmandinejad because they represent 70% of the country. The Ayatolah Khamenei has ordered the "Guardian Council" to review the election results from June 12 and investigate any claims of fraud by opposition leaders.The "Guardian Council" has asked opposition leaders to attend a meeting on Saturday including Mousavi. The Guardian Council has received 650 complaints of voter fraud. The Guardian Council will have limited recount of votes in districts where candidates claim voting irregularities. Finally, the United States Congress has passed a resolution supporting the protesters in Iran. This is a gesture of solidarity with Iran and for freedom loving people all around the world.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Americorps Abuse Of Power Scandal

The firing of Gerald Walpin a Inspector General for the United States is a clear "Abuse Of Power". President Obama and his minions fired this "Great Man" for investigating one of President Obama best friends Kevin Johnson the Mayor of Sacramento, California. Kevin Johnson was a former NBA Player for the Phoenix Suns and big supporter of President Obama during his campaign. Gerald Walpin was appointed by President Bush in 2007 and has done a excellent job as Inspector General. Mr. Walpin found out during his investigation that Mayor Johnson St Hope Academy Program was improperly using $900,000 Americorp dollars for his own personal use. Mayor Johnson found out after the investigation that the City Of Sacramento was not eligible for stimulus dollars because of the improper use of Americorp dollars. During the investigation there were several violations found by Gerald Walpin which prompted the Inspector General Office to suspend future federal funds to the City Of Sacramento. This is why the American people hired Gerald Walpin to watch the use of our federal dollars. The fact that President Obama fired Gerald Walpin for doing his job well as Inspector General will leave a chilling affect in the Inspector General Office. The Liberal Pravda Socialist Media will not cover the Gerald Walpin story because they know that this a "Abuse Of Power" by President Obama. The Pravda Socialist Media went crazy when President Bush fired the U.S Attorney's which he, had a legal right to do under the current law. Rep. John Conyers and his fellow Democrats are still trying to haul Bush Administration Officials in front of Congress to discuss there roles in the firing process. The fact that Sen. Claire McCaskill said the she was not satisfied with the "loss of confidence excuse" the Obama Administration tried to find another reason why they fired Gerald Walpin. President Obama excuse for firing Gerald Walpin is that he is "Old And Senile". President Obama should be investgated by Congress and the socialist media for lying to the American public. I have seen Gerald Walpin on several shows and he, is extremely sharp for a 75 year old man. I am so, happy that Gerald Walpin did not take his pink slip and walked away quietly in the dark. This firing is a outrage and every American should be calling there Senator and Congressmen for a full investigation. Gerald Walpin is a American hero for standing up against the most powerful person in the world President Obama.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama "Gay Workers Benefits"

President Obama plan to extend benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. President Obama is under growing criticism that he, has not ended the ban on gays in the military. President Obama will announce the new change in benefits in the Oval Office on Wednesday. The White House official spoke anonymity, because President Obama had not signed Presidential memorandum. The decision made President Obama is a payback for supporting him during his campaign and they are also, one of the biggest fundraisers and voting bloc group in the Democratic party. The signing of the memorandum is in response to several powerful gay fundraisers withdrew from the June 25 Democratic National Committee where Vice President Biden will speak. The response came after the Justice Department defended the Defense Of Marriage Act, a prime target for gay and lesbian criticism. President Obama under extreme pressure had to sign a piece of legalisation because this is "Gay And Lesbian Pride Month" in America. Jon Berry the highest ranking Gay official in the Obama Administration who is the Human Resource Chief for the Obama Administration told a gay rally the President Obama will be taking actions on federal benefits soon. Berry also, told reporters that he expected the White House to turn to legislation to give domestic partners access to Federal Health and Retirement Plans. Finally, President Obama will use the power of the Presidency to achieve the benefits parity sought by same-sex couples.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letterman "Sick Mind"

The joke made by David Letterman about Governor Sarah Palin daughter Willow Palin was one of the sickest so-called jokes comedian could say about a politician child. David Letterman is a sick pervert and he, needs to disciplined by CBS. The left-wing liberal groups were silent during this controversy until a few days ago when National Organization Of Women put out a statement condemning the jokes by David Letterman toward Sarah and Willow Palin. The left-wing media would go crazy if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity made a similar statements about the Obama children there would be nationwide protests calling for the firing of the two nationally syndicated talk show host. The so-called media gives men like David Letterman a pass when it comes to attacking Conservative women because they are seen a inauthentic not part of the women's movement in America. This means that any women who is anti-abortion, pro-marriage and Conservative is not protected by the Civil Rights Laws in America because, you are not considered a true feminist. These sexist jokes and comments by comedians and liberal commentator's about Sarah Palin and Conservative Women are because, they fear women who have independent thought process that is independent of the women's movement. This also, happens in the African-American community with African-American Conservatives are considered a "Sellout" if you don't follow the liberal theology preached by African-American politicians and ministers. Finally, David Letterman Apology was not from the heart it was "Public Relations Fiasco" forced on him by the Chairman Of CBS Les Moonves. This clown should be suspended from his job until he, calls Governor Palin and Willow Palin personally and apologized for his "Sick Ass Jokes". I am so, happy that Governor Palin is standing up and fighting for her family and women in America. This David Letterman controversy should put a stop to these crude comments liberals have been making toward Governor Palin for the last year. Maybe, finally Governor Palin can start debating the issues that affect everyday Americans.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Obama Foreign Policy Failure

President Obama new rules of pre-emptive engagement with the "Axis Of Evil" has failed. The President has tried his news rules of engagement for the past six months and countries like North Korea and Iran has given his policy a serious setback. The President while, on his first trip to Europe gave a speech on nuclear proliferation the North Koreans decided to test a ballistic missile which embarrassed the President because he, said that his administration would negotiate with North Korea without any pre-conditions. The North Koreans slapped President and world community again when they tested a nuclear weapon and several more ballistic missiles following week.The President and the world community has put strict sanctions on North Korea for testing a nuclear weapon. This response to North Korea sounds a lot like the same policies of the Bush Administration that Obama complained about during his campaign. The President also, said that he, would negotiate with Iran without any pre-conditions and that has been a total failure. The Nation Of Iran recently, had a Presidential election where there was rampant fraud by the Islamic led government. Therefore, how can President Obama negotiate with a government that cannot run fair elections. If President Obama negotiates with Iran he, will be giving the Iranian President Ahmandinejd and Ayatollah Khameneni legitimacy as the true leaders of Iran. President Obama will also, stop the "New Revolution" in Iran and stop the momentum of the "Mousavi Movement". The President has to understand that Iran Islamic leadership is hell bent on getting a nuclear weapon and they could careless about President Obama overtures towards peace in the Middle East. Finally, the President over the last few weeks a has had quick dose of reality because, while in Europe he, blamed President Bush for all our world imagine problems. The last few weeks have proven that you can give some the eloquent speeches in the world but, members of the "Axis Of Evil" could careless about your kind gestures and speeches. The President truly, thinks because of his world popularity that he, can "Change" some of the most evil regimes in world history. There must be a grownup in the Obama Administration that will sit down and tell President Obama that this not a Hollywood movie but real life world politicis. Hey! Maybe Vice President Biden will give President Obama some advice foreign policy. Hell No! we are in some serious trouble.