Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Letterman "Sick Mind"

The joke made by David Letterman about Governor Sarah Palin daughter Willow Palin was one of the sickest so-called jokes comedian could say about a politician child. David Letterman is a sick pervert and he, needs to disciplined by CBS. The left-wing liberal groups were silent during this controversy until a few days ago when National Organization Of Women put out a statement condemning the jokes by David Letterman toward Sarah and Willow Palin. The left-wing media would go crazy if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity made a similar statements about the Obama children there would be nationwide protests calling for the firing of the two nationally syndicated talk show host. The so-called media gives men like David Letterman a pass when it comes to attacking Conservative women because they are seen a inauthentic not part of the women's movement in America. This means that any women who is anti-abortion, pro-marriage and Conservative is not protected by the Civil Rights Laws in America because, you are not considered a true feminist. These sexist jokes and comments by comedians and liberal commentator's about Sarah Palin and Conservative Women are because, they fear women who have independent thought process that is independent of the women's movement. This also, happens in the African-American community with African-American Conservatives are considered a "Sellout" if you don't follow the liberal theology preached by African-American politicians and ministers. Finally, David Letterman Apology was not from the heart it was "Public Relations Fiasco" forced on him by the Chairman Of CBS Les Moonves. This clown should be suspended from his job until he, calls Governor Palin and Willow Palin personally and apologized for his "Sick Ass Jokes". I am so, happy that Governor Palin is standing up and fighting for her family and women in America. This David Letterman controversy should put a stop to these crude comments liberals have been making toward Governor Palin for the last year. Maybe, finally Governor Palin can start debating the issues that affect everyday Americans.

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