Monday, June 15, 2009

Obama Foreign Policy Failure

President Obama new rules of pre-emptive engagement with the "Axis Of Evil" has failed. The President has tried his news rules of engagement for the past six months and countries like North Korea and Iran has given his policy a serious setback. The President while, on his first trip to Europe gave a speech on nuclear proliferation the North Koreans decided to test a ballistic missile which embarrassed the President because he, said that his administration would negotiate with North Korea without any pre-conditions. The North Koreans slapped President and world community again when they tested a nuclear weapon and several more ballistic missiles following week.The President and the world community has put strict sanctions on North Korea for testing a nuclear weapon. This response to North Korea sounds a lot like the same policies of the Bush Administration that Obama complained about during his campaign. The President also, said that he, would negotiate with Iran without any pre-conditions and that has been a total failure. The Nation Of Iran recently, had a Presidential election where there was rampant fraud by the Islamic led government. Therefore, how can President Obama negotiate with a government that cannot run fair elections. If President Obama negotiates with Iran he, will be giving the Iranian President Ahmandinejd and Ayatollah Khameneni legitimacy as the true leaders of Iran. President Obama will also, stop the "New Revolution" in Iran and stop the momentum of the "Mousavi Movement". The President has to understand that Iran Islamic leadership is hell bent on getting a nuclear weapon and they could careless about President Obama overtures towards peace in the Middle East. Finally, the President over the last few weeks a has had quick dose of reality because, while in Europe he, blamed President Bush for all our world imagine problems. The last few weeks have proven that you can give some the eloquent speeches in the world but, members of the "Axis Of Evil" could careless about your kind gestures and speeches. The President truly, thinks because of his world popularity that he, can "Change" some of the most evil regimes in world history. There must be a grownup in the Obama Administration that will sit down and tell President Obama that this not a Hollywood movie but real life world politicis. Hey! Maybe Vice President Biden will give President Obama some advice foreign policy. Hell No! we are in some serious trouble.

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