Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama "Gay Workers Benefits"

President Obama plan to extend benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. President Obama is under growing criticism that he, has not ended the ban on gays in the military. President Obama will announce the new change in benefits in the Oval Office on Wednesday. The White House official spoke anonymity, because President Obama had not signed Presidential memorandum. The decision made President Obama is a payback for supporting him during his campaign and they are also, one of the biggest fundraisers and voting bloc group in the Democratic party. The signing of the memorandum is in response to several powerful gay fundraisers withdrew from the June 25 Democratic National Committee where Vice President Biden will speak. The response came after the Justice Department defended the Defense Of Marriage Act, a prime target for gay and lesbian criticism. President Obama under extreme pressure had to sign a piece of legalisation because this is "Gay And Lesbian Pride Month" in America. Jon Berry the highest ranking Gay official in the Obama Administration who is the Human Resource Chief for the Obama Administration told a gay rally the President Obama will be taking actions on federal benefits soon. Berry also, told reporters that he expected the White House to turn to legislation to give domestic partners access to Federal Health and Retirement Plans. Finally, President Obama will use the power of the Presidency to achieve the benefits parity sought by same-sex couples.

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