Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sen. Boxer "Call Me Senator"

Sen. Barbra Boxer California has truly, lost her mind when she corrected General Micheal Walsh for calling her "Ma am". During a routine hearing before the Environmental Public Works Committee Walsh refereed to Sen. Boxer "ma am" a statement Sen. Boxer did not appreciate. Sen. Boxer told Gen. Walsh "Do me a favor can you say Senator" instead of "ma am". Boxer said interrupting the Army General. It is just a thing. I worked so hard to get that title, so I would appreciate it. 'Thank You". Walsh responded Yes Senator. Sen. Boxer arrogance was shown in front of a General who has spent his life protecting America. The General was using basic protocol that most military officers use when speaking to a women of power. The United States Military Officers deserve better treatment from members of Congress and she should be reprimanded by her fellow senators for this disgraceful statement. This type of disrespect shows the attitude that most Democrats have toward the United States Military. I am tired of Sen. Boxer, Sen. Durbin and Rep. John Murtha taking personal shots at the military and there seems to be no repercussions for there childish actions. There is no outrage by the liberal media because, they have same disdain for the United States Military. Therefore, liberal members can say anything about the military and it will be brushed over by the so-called media. America welcome to the world of Obama. Watch the video from the Congressional hearing below the second article. Make a comment on the line below.

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