Monday, July 13, 2009

Afghan War Is Obama War

The War in Afghanistan is starting to become a long tough slog for the Allied Forces. The Allied Forces have had over 30 casualties this weekend as the fighting has become more intense. The British Forces have had a tough weekend starting on Friday when they lost eight soldiers during "Operation Panther Claw". The wounded British solders were taken to Kabul and Britain. The Allied Forces have launched a operation in Afghanistan most violent "Helmond Province" which was partially under Taliban control. The Allied Commanders say they expected a surge in casualties this summer, part of what they claim to be a decisive push to take advantage of U.S reinforcements and seize Taliban Territory ahead of Afghan Presidential election next month. The Allied Forces have met tough resistance from Taliban. The Taliban feel comfortable fighting a insurgent war because they have won similar wars in history on this same battlefield against Alexander The Great and Soviet Union. The goal of the Taliban is to inflict as many casualties and injuries on Allied Forces so, the media and citizens of each country will turn against the war and will demand a withdrawal of there troops. Finally, this is going to be a fight in Afghanistan and I hope that President Obama and Democrats have the stomach to "Stay The Course" because this war may become even more bloody than the Iraq War. Remember President Obama said this is the Real War that America must win during the 2008 Presidential Election. This is now President Obama War. We Pray for victory and hope that all our troops will return home safely.

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