Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cheney And CIA Witheld Secret Program

Former Vice President Cheney and CIA are under fire again by the Democratic socialist Establishment. The New York Times reports that Vice President Cheney told the CIA to withheld information about a "Secret Counterintelligence Program" for eight years on direct orders from Vice President Dick Cheney office. The report says the Vice President Cheney was behind the decision to conceal the still unidentified program from Congress deepened the mystery surrounding it, suggesting that the Bush Administration put high priority on the program secrecy. Mr. Panettea ended the program when he, first learned of it's existence from subordinates June 23, briefed two intelligence committees the next day. The program did not involve CIA Interrogation program or Domestic intelligence activities by the Bush Administration. The program was started after the 9/11 attacks but "never became fully operational" involving planning and some training took place on and off. The Democrats hatred for the CIA and Bush Administration has reached a all-time high when the are attacking a organization that has protected the American people for the last nine years. The Democratic led Congress was looking for something to cover-up for Speaker Nancy Pelosi lying to the American people about her knowledge of enhanced interrogations program. The moral at the CIA has to be extremely low because they are under attack by the Democrats who have complete control of Congress and White House. The CIA will have there hands tied for the next 3 and half years under the Obama Administration because the average CIA officer will not undertake any new secret programs because they will be terrified of prosecution by the Obama Administration. Finally, the Democrats in Congress will not be happy until they have Vice President Cheney head on a platter. There is also, word going around Washington that Attorney General Eric Holder will appoint a "Special Prosecutor" to investigate enhanced interrogations of terrorist. Attorney General Holder is under intense pressure by the left-wing of the Democratic Party to deliver some convictions of Bush Administration officials. This politically motivated investigation will tear this country apart at the seems because the Bush Administration Protected this country from another 9/11.

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