Tuesday, July 14, 2009

National Health Care Plan "Bend Over And Tax Me"

The top leaders of the Democratic Party are not on board with Rep. Charles Rangel plan to tax the rich so, they can pay for President Obama National Health Care Plan. The Democrats legislation drafted by the Democrats will include $600 million in tax increases and $400 million in cuts in Medicaid and Medicare Ways And Means Chairman Rep. Charles Rangel said to reporters. An agreement between House Democratic Leaders are set to be unveiled today calls for households earnings more than 350,000 to pay an extra 1% tax. Higher rates would be imposed on Americans making $500,000 and $1 million. The tax rates on individuals would be $280,000, $ 400,000 and $800,000. There are Senators who believe that Rangel tax plan meets the goal of President Obama goal because, it does not tax anybody making under $250,000. The Democrats believe that they can combine cuts in actual spending on health care, savings from hospitals, from doctors, health insurance companies and new taxes imposed on the rich. Rep. Rangel is expected to unveil his legislation on Tuesday. Rep. Rangel has had a serious problem trying to bring in "Blue Dog Democrats" who are skeptical of taxing Americans during a recession for the Presidents New Health Care Plan. The White House and leading Senate Democrats are saying that "everything is on the table" when it comes to paying for the President National Health Care Plan. Therefore, that means people making under $250,000 will be paying higher taxes. The liberal socialist media knows that you can not pay for this new entitlement program without taxing the middle class. President Obama said today that he wants his New Health Care legislation passed through Congress before the summer session ends. Goodbye to those Bush Tax Cuts when they expire in 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Why does nobody suggest cutting back on wasteful government spending and auditing the government to find out where cuts can be made? Just look at what Congress funds that truly deserves questioning. Then look at government workers- if the government operated like most private businesses it would function much better, saving we the people millions. Of course the idea of slashing spending and cutting jobs directly counters the trend of government, therefore it will never happen.

