Monday, June 22, 2009

14% Unemployment In Michigan

President Obama promised American people if Congress passed his 787 Billion Dollar Stimulus Bill that the unemployment rate would not pass 8% nationally. The President has revised his numbers and said that the unemployment rate will reach 10% when the new June figures come out in early July. In, May the unemployment rate has reached 14.1% percent in Michigan and in Oregon, South Carolina and Rhode Island the unemployment rate is over 12%. There are large states like California and Ohio creeping up to 12% and that is not counting Americans who have stopped looking for jobs. The West and the Midwest by regions have the highest unemployment rates. The West has a average of over 10% unemployment and the Midwest is creeping up to 10%. The national unemployment rate is 9.4% and climbing fast and the President stimulus package is not stimulating the economy. The economy has been hit hard by the loss of manufacturing jobs in the automobile industry with the closing of several plants in the Midwest which is driving up the unemployment rate in Michigan and Ohio. The President had a great opportunity to stimulate the economy by passing a "targeted stimulus bill" that should have been only for job creation. The majority of the stimulus package money went to bailout states financial problems instead of spending the money on projects that could create jobs within six months. Therefore, in the stimulus bill there was no money for small businesses which create about 70% of the jobs in America. The President has spent most of his time bailing out large multi-national corporations like General Motors, Chrysler, AIG and Bank Of America. President Obama forgot about the true engine that drives the American economy and that is America's Small businesses. The President needs to come up with a new innovative strategy that will create jobs in the future. This so-called "Green Jobs Initiative" is Bull Crap and the average American knows that these are special interest jobs to satisfy the left-wing Democrats in America. The American people need a new futuristic jobs program that will help American businesses compete for the next 100 years. The President should lower taxes, cut capital gains and supply businesses with much needed capital if they are creating jobs. Finally, the President need to stop the Renaissance of the FDR Great Society Programs and come up with some new strategies that will inspire Americans to create a whole new American economy.

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