Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Welfare Rate Jumps In America

The Welfare rate in America has seen a higher than expected increase during this recession. The welfare rate in America has not seen this many Americans collecting benefits since, the Clinton Administration. The welfare rate has jumped in 30 of the largest states in America which accounts for 90% of the nations population. This recent rise is welfare applications across the country is a sign that the welfare system is expanding at a time of need during this recession. The biggest jump are in the western region of the United States in California, Oregon and Nevada. This is a serious problem for the states because most large states like California and New York are running huge deficits and more Americans on the welfare rolls are putting a serious strain on the states coffers. This also, means that there are not enough well paying jobs so, Americans can get off the welfare rolls. The number of food stamp recipients has risen in every state and was 20% higher than a year ago, a much bigger increase than the number of welfare cases. The are some great programs that were created during the Clinton Administration that helped unemployed workers receive benefits and job training to re-enter to job market with new skills. The cash assistance program called Temporary Assistance For Needy Families (TANF) was created by the law and replaced previous welfare and jobs training programs. This program is funded partly by the federal and state government,s it's primary job women who have children and no job or a very low paying one. The Obama stimulus package included 5 billion dollars for states where families receive welfare or spending increases on employment subsidies or short term emergency assistance. Therefore only two states have applied for this new program California and Ohio and but 40 other states plan to apply for the new program. Finally, the biggest problem with welfare it is targeted for women and children and this recession has hit men the hardest. The huge jump Welfare benefits is that men and married couples are now filing for the programs during this recession.

1 comment:

  1. I bet with the rate climbing by the end of '09 there will be some democrat floating legislation to rebuild the welfare to work programs that were prevalent during the Clinton Administration.
