Sunday, June 21, 2009

Iran Thug Police kill Neda And Protesters

While President Obama the "Messiah" was out getting Ice Cream there is a revolution going on in Iran. The President finally, took a stand today because, of the pressure in Congress and around the world was mounting against his Administration for his lack of support for the freedom fighters in Iran. President Obama called on the Iranian Government to "Stop all violent unjust actions against there own people". This statement finally, comes after a week of criticism by Sen. John McCain and Republicans who asked President Obama to show more support for the revolution in Iran. President Obama also cited one of Martin Luther King famous quotes "The Arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice". I believe that President Obama said. Where was President Obama with this quote early this week before the crackdown by the Iranian Secret Thug Police. The Iranian Secret Thug Police shot and killed a young lady name Neda in the streets of Tehran. One of her fellow freedom fighters stood over her trying to stop the bleeding from her chest with his hands. The video is extremely graphic showing blood squirting out of her chest. This young lady Neda will be a historical figure in Iranian history when the freedom fighters in Iran win there freedom from these Islamic Fundamentalist Thugs. Therefore, these are the Thugs that President Obama wanted to negotiate a so-called peace with in the Middle East. This is why President Bush said that Iran was one of the countries in the "Axis Of Evil". President Bush was right you can't negotiate with Evil. Watch the Extremely graphic video below and make a comment.

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