Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The Republican Party must "Stand Strong" against the Obama Media machine if they expect to win back the White House in 2012. They are going against the grain with a media savvy administration that has developed a Cult Of Personality. If President Obama governs in a way that is consistent with his liberal socialist promises the Republicans will have to mount a vigorous opposition. The country's security and prosperity will depend on spirited opposition. The liberal media will support President Obama in any decision that he, will make as President even if it is a wrong decision because, they have there liberal socialist policies invested in him as President. The Conservative Media cannot jump on the Obama bandwagon even if he, is popular today early in his Administration. The Conservatives in the media cannot let his cult of personality blind them from the policy dangers he represents to our Conservative movement. The Liberal Socialist Media blamed President Bush for everything under the sun and the never showed him a inch of mercy. Therefore, after eight years of bashing President Bush they are calling for bipartianship with the Republicans. These Liberals are are lecturing us on bipartianship after the Liberal Blogs and Media crushed President Bush every hour of the day. The Republican Party should have strong coordinated opposition to the Obama Administration and they should express there Conservative views clearly to the American people. The Republicans should have designated point man that should confront President Obama socialist policies and support those polices that we agree with as Conservatives. We must resist the calls for bipartianship affect our core principals as Republicans and Conservatives. Finlay, Republicans and conservatives must survive the first six months of the Obama administrations tidal wave. The Republicans must come out with a clear agenda that the American people can support with serious opposition.

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