Monday, January 19, 2009


There are a large number of Congressman and Americans who fear that President Obama will establish a Nazi-Marxist like "Security Force" to impose a Dictatorship. This may sound like a conspiracy theory but, President Obama proposed this Security Force while campaigning for President. This suggestion about a National Security Force came when President Obama gave a speech which was widely circulated on the Internet in which he, called for a "Civilian Police Force" as strong or equal to the military. If you read history that is one of the first things "Hitler And Stalin" did to control there country. This maybe sign that President Obama is a Marxist or Fascist with this type of national security proposal in 2009. The comments that President Obama made were in Colorado when he, said the we can not rely on the military to achieve our national security objectives that we have set, We have got to have a National Security Force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded. The proposal for a civilian reserve corp. that could handle postwar reconstruction efforts such as infrastructure an idea endorsed by the Bush Administration. This civilian force could mean the end of the second amendment and the end of Conservatism in America. The left in America sees President Obama as a Prophet and we as Americans have to remember history that Adolf Hitler was elected in a Democratic Germany by the people. President Obama is not Hitler yet but, it seems like there might be some potential for this happening in America with his Cult Of Personality. "See the video below about President Obama talking about a Civilian Police Force".

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