Wednesday, January 21, 2009


President Obama has reached a decision that he, wants to close the GITMO as soon as possible. But there happens to be a serious problem what will happen to the 200 terrorist that occupy the special prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The United States should follow the Geneva Convention and keep the prison open by holding detainees until the "War On Terror" is over. The Prison at GITMO is the only answer that makes sense when it comes to keeping these dangerous terrorist in a separate prison. The reason why you can keep them at GITMO is because, you can keep continuing International oversight is the best thing for the detainees and for the United States. The International Red Cross could help monitor the prisoners and Human Rights groups will have free access to the terrorist. The International Red Cross could make sure that the United States is following the Geneva Convention and they also, could pass mail to the prisoners. There have been hundreds of visitors to Gitmo and they all have seen the conditions at the base. The military has let lawyers and journalist travel to the base for a look inside the special prison. The United States military has spent millions of dollars upgrading the facilities at GITMO. The Military has all interrogations broadcast on closed circuit television. This traffic going through GITMO will ensure that prisoners are treated humanely by the United States. The only country so far the prisoners were transferred to was Albania and the prisoners wish they were back at GITMO. There is no community in America that wants a large number of terrorist in there Backyard. Therefore, there is not a Governor or a Congressman who would like to explain why they have 200 of the worst terrorist in the world a foot step away from there children. President Obama has promised the left-wing socialist that he, would close down GITMO and that could be the first mistake in his administration. I have a idea why don't we put these terrorist in queen Nancy Pelosi backyard.

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