Saturday, January 3, 2009


The United Nations "Gaza Ceasefire Fraud" when it comes to sanctioning terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah. The resolution put forth by Libya was critical of Israel but, it said nothing about the constant bombing of Israeli Towns and Cities by Hamas rockets. The majority of countries in the United Nations are Anti-Israel and they will always side with these terrorist organizations because, they feel that Israel is occupying Arab and Palestinian lands. The only thing that is stopping Israel from being destroyed by the 57 Arab countries is the support of the United States and England in the United Nations Security Council. The United Nations is full of countries that are Anti-Semitic and they could careless if Israel was wiped off the face of the Earth. The true enemy behind the curtain in the Middle East supporting Hamas and Hezbollah is Iran. I want to know what is the United Nations going to do about the arming of Hamas militants by the country of Iran. The United Nations never punish any of these terrorist states and that is why they are constantly provoking Israel into military conflicts. The country of Israel is suppose to let these terrorist bomb there towns and cities and they are not suppose to defend there countries borders. The United Nations now wants a truce between Israel and Hamas. The United Nations knows that Hamas have stated in there charter that they will destroy the country of Israel by any means necessary. Finally, the United Nations is a waste of time because, we all know the outcome before they negotiate the terms of the truce. The country of Israel must stop there military operations and Hamas will be given financial aid and they also, get some much needed time to re-arm there terrorist organization for the next attack on Israel.


The United States Majority Leader Harry Reid said that he will not seat Ronald Burris who was appointed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The Senate Majority Leader signed a statement with the Senior Senator of Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin that the seat should be left vacant until a new Governor is sworn in after the impeachment of Gov. Blagojevich. The Secretary Of State Jesse White said that he, would not certify the appointment of of Ronald Burris as Senator of Illinois. Ronald Burris has asked the Illinois Supreme Court to certify that his appointment by Gov. Blagojveich is legal and that he, should be seated as the Junior Senator of Illinois. The Powell vs. McCormack case says that you must seat Ronald Burris as the Junior Senator Of Illinois but, there are some legal scholars that say that this case does not apply to the appointment of Burris. Sen. Harry Reid plans to use the Sargent Of Arms from stopping Ronald Burris from entering the Senate Chambers. There have been protest in Chicago by African-American leaders supporting the appointment of Ronald Burris saying that any politician that stops the appointment of Ronald Burris that they will pay when the are up for re-election. Finally, I can't wait to see Sen. Harry Reid and President Obama stop the only African-American from entering the Senate chambers with the whole country watching this "Clown Act" live on national television.

Friday, January 2, 2009


The collapse of the whole American economic system is coming soon and most Americans are not being told the truth about the true nature of our financial problems. In major cites like Detroit they are already suffering a Depression with the lack of city services and jobs. The Federal Government will have to help the average American who happen to be unemployed and the poor with programs such as unemployment benefits, Medicaid, Social Security, and Food Stamps. The American people in a Washington Post Poll feel that the new Obama Administration policies will bring us out of a depression but, they happen to be sadly mistaken. The American people believe that there leaders can lead them out of a financial crisis with there socialist policies. The Average American does not know history and they believe that the FDR policies of the 1930's will lead us out of this depression but, it was actually World War Two that lead us out of the Depression. I feel that these large bailouts and stimulus packages will destroy the American currency all around the world. The American currency in the near future will be like the German currency in the 1920's when you could not by a loaf bread with a wheel barrel full of money. I believe that the current economic conditions are comparable to a war fought between Central Banks around the world and the private sector and the war is likely to be a protracted and will lead to high volatility in all asset classes. There will be big up swings and down swings in the market and that will show you the true instability in the world markets. The Federal Government is terrible at running the economy from Washington. The American Economy will soon have Hyper-Inflation at a high level because, they are making the same mistakes that Germany, Zimbabwe and other failed countries economic policies from the past. If you see the commercial real estate market and the bond market crash that is when you will see the American currency collapse and you will see a new North American Currency. Finally, this is part one of several articles I will write about the American Depression and the coming change in currency. The next articles will be about the new American Currency called the Amero that was sent to the China Central Bank early this year.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


The National Retailers in America are looking for a bailout because, of poor holiday sales. The retailers facing record losses are asking President-Elect Obama to incorporate three tax free holidays in 2009. The retailers want this to be incorporated in the stimulus package bill. The Retail situation is critical said National Federation Retailers wrote in letter to President-Elect Obama. In October through December consumer confidence level were at it's lowest level in the last 50 years. We urge you to act quickly on this legislation to help so, that you can make consumer spending as one of your first priorities of your Administration the NFR Said in the letter. Therefore, under this proposal the Federal Government would reimburse the state governments for losing tax revenue. The letter also, stated without quick additional Government measure the current economic weakness could worsen creating rapid downward spiral that could be worse than the economist are predicting for 2009. The group supports Mr. Obama's effort to create a long-term stimulus package that will generate jobs by rebuilding the infrastructure and investing in public schools and alternative energy programs. In the third quarter spending fell 3.7% the biggest drop in 25 years. The fourth quarter results are expected to fall even more. Finally, who's next in 2009 to stand in line for there handout from the Federal Government. This Corporations, Retailers, Banks and Firms have no shame when trying to get free taxpayers dollars form the Federal government.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I would like to wish my fellow bloggers and Americans a "Happy New Year". I know that there are a lot Americans suffering because, of the bad economy. The American people have survived World Wars and came out a better country. The American people are hoping for a quick turn around in the economy so, they can get back to living there everyday lives as contributing Americans with a job. I disagree with President-Elect Obama but, I wish him and his family a "Happy New Year" and success with getting the economy back on track. I want to congratulate my liberal bloggers for doing a excellent job in helping President-Elect Obama get elected President Of The United States. The Conservative Community has to come together and build a "New Conservative Revolution" based on our values not the values of Secular Liberal America. The Conservative Movement has always won elections when we, stuck to our core values and did not sellout or Principals for a candidate like Sen. John McCain. Finally, enjoy there parties tonight but, remember don't drink and drive. "Happy New Year America!".


The Obama campaign line about electing Sen. John McCain would mean four more years of the Bush Administration is getting more foolish everyday. After retaining President Bush Defense Secretary Robert Gates we now learn that President-Elect Obama is willing to keep all of President Bush appointees at the Pentagon Bill Gertz reports in his column. Defenses Secretary Gates has asked most of the Bush Administration appointees except those targeted for dismissal to stay on until President-Elect Obama replaces there position. Robert Gates received permission from the Obama Transition team to extend the number of appointees a invitation to stay on until there current position is replaced. Mr. gates said in e-mail on December 19. The chance to stay is available to all willing appointees with the exception of those who who are contacted individually and told otherwise... Geoff Morrel Pentagon Press secertary, confirmed that the Secretary Gates wants to retain most of the Bush political appointees. He said the policy of keeping so, many political appointees is unusual for a transition from a Republican to a Democratic Administration. Finally, to all the liberals who hated the Bush War Machine now "That Is Change We All Can Believe In".

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The whole world is angry with Israel because, of the Gaza Military Offensive which has claimed almost 400 lives. The European Union is meeting today to discuss the issue concerning the Gaza Strip Offensive. The United States government has asked Hamas to stop shooting Qassam missiles into Israels town and cities next to the Gaza Strip. Secretary Of State Rice called all the diplomatic leaders around the world so, they could restore a truce between Hamas and Israel as quick as possible as long as Hamas stop using violence to achieve there goal of destroying Israel. The six month truce ended December 19 between Israel and Hamas. King Abdullah of Jordan called President Bush and asked him to stop Israel from continuing there offensive in the Gaza Strip. Muslim countries all around the world are condemning Israel for excessive bombing in the Gaza Strip. The protest in European Countries are headed by the growing Islamic community in Europe. The protesters in Europe protested outside the Israels embassy in Europe and they dragged and burned the Israeli flag. The call by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for Humanitarian Aid for the Palestine people who live under Hamas rule will be the next talking point for the people who hate Israel. The next President Of The United States President-Elect Obama Chief Advisor David Axelod said that the incoming President will work hard to achieve peace in the Middle East. Finally, Israel must have the right to defend there country or they will be wiped of the face of the earth by these hateful terrorist. Hey, that is what the leaders of Iran chanted while, protesting in there country against Israel.

Monday, December 29, 2008


The African-American teen murder rate is at a all-time high in America. The African-American community is celebrating the election of the first African-American President but, when reality truly hits the African-American community there is nothing but despair in most of our Inner-City communities. The murder rate among African-American teens ages 14-17 has increased over the last ten years. This problem is because, of the breakdown of the African-American family and not the Bush Administration policies. The break down of the social structure in the African-American community has created a negative sub-culture that says that getting a good education is similar to acting white or being a sellout. The negative images that are promoted on television to our young African-American children are affecting there moral view of the world. The African-American Community need a plan which addresses the the violence in our community. The plan should start with a hostile takeover of our community by any means necessary. This means that you must take down all the criminal gangs in the community to establish some type of order in the African-American communities so, that you can create a culture of respect in the community for our elders. The lack of any plan starts with our President-Elect who basically had no plan in the City Of Chicago which is the most violent city in America. The African-American Community that he represented as State Senator is in chaos and the people living in his district live in complete fear of the criminal gangs that control the community. Finally, we have to take control of our communities and stop blaming white America for our social problems. The Problems that we have in our communities a self inflicted wounds by our lack moral values. The African-American Community was the most moral community from the time when were in slavery all the way to the civil rights movement. The change came in the 60's with the sexual revolution which has basically destroyed the moral fiber of this nation.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Israel launched a massive attack on Hamas after being attacked by Qassam rockets and Mortar fire on there southern communities for the last several weeks. Palestinian medical personnel say that 195 people had been killed in the air strikes which Began at 11:30 a.m. in the mourning. Medical personnel say that 200 hundred people were injured in the Israeli air strikes. The country of Egypt opened there borders for injured personnel which has been sealed since, the Hamas Government took over the Gaza Strip. Hamas has said that the attacks have cause widespread panic in the Gaza Strip. The first wave of 60 airplanes hit 50 targets in one fell swoop. The IAF said that they hit 95% of the targets in the Gaza strip. The Israel government says that most of the people killed were members of the Hamas terrorist organization. The IDF says that people who live in areas where they launch Qassam Rockets are liable to get hurt. The IDF also, attacked Installations, Police stations and Training camps facilities and some were located in civilian buildings. The people of Israel are being attacked everyday by Hamas and the world community is condemning Israel for disproportionate attack against a terrorist organization. Finally, President-Elect Obama will have to understand the most of the world despises the country of Israel and they will blame them for anything that happens in he Middle East.