Sunday, December 28, 2008


Israel launched a massive attack on Hamas after being attacked by Qassam rockets and Mortar fire on there southern communities for the last several weeks. Palestinian medical personnel say that 195 people had been killed in the air strikes which Began at 11:30 a.m. in the mourning. Medical personnel say that 200 hundred people were injured in the Israeli air strikes. The country of Egypt opened there borders for injured personnel which has been sealed since, the Hamas Government took over the Gaza Strip. Hamas has said that the attacks have cause widespread panic in the Gaza Strip. The first wave of 60 airplanes hit 50 targets in one fell swoop. The IAF said that they hit 95% of the targets in the Gaza strip. The Israel government says that most of the people killed were members of the Hamas terrorist organization. The IDF says that people who live in areas where they launch Qassam Rockets are liable to get hurt. The IDF also, attacked Installations, Police stations and Training camps facilities and some were located in civilian buildings. The people of Israel are being attacked everyday by Hamas and the world community is condemning Israel for disproportionate attack against a terrorist organization. Finally, President-Elect Obama will have to understand the most of the world despises the country of Israel and they will blame them for anything that happens in he Middle East.

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