Monday, December 29, 2008


The African-American teen murder rate is at a all-time high in America. The African-American community is celebrating the election of the first African-American President but, when reality truly hits the African-American community there is nothing but despair in most of our Inner-City communities. The murder rate among African-American teens ages 14-17 has increased over the last ten years. This problem is because, of the breakdown of the African-American family and not the Bush Administration policies. The break down of the social structure in the African-American community has created a negative sub-culture that says that getting a good education is similar to acting white or being a sellout. The negative images that are promoted on television to our young African-American children are affecting there moral view of the world. The African-American Community need a plan which addresses the the violence in our community. The plan should start with a hostile takeover of our community by any means necessary. This means that you must take down all the criminal gangs in the community to establish some type of order in the African-American communities so, that you can create a culture of respect in the community for our elders. The lack of any plan starts with our President-Elect who basically had no plan in the City Of Chicago which is the most violent city in America. The African-American Community that he represented as State Senator is in chaos and the people living in his district live in complete fear of the criminal gangs that control the community. Finally, we have to take control of our communities and stop blaming white America for our social problems. The Problems that we have in our communities a self inflicted wounds by our lack moral values. The African-American Community was the most moral community from the time when were in slavery all the way to the civil rights movement. The change came in the 60's with the sexual revolution which has basically destroyed the moral fiber of this nation.

1 comment:

  1. I agree something must be done in our community to combat the drugs which we do not bring into this country but nonetheless floods our communities. I read a story, can not remember what city but the people in the black community tired of the crime started arming themselves to protect themselves and had the support of their alderman. The Mayor and police chief (white) thought this was a bad ideal and told them that exercising (paraphrasing) their second amendment rights was a bad ideal. The Alderman said the police response time was terrible, there were no programs or facilities for teens to occupy their time.

    Also, you are right about the images and the promotion of sex and violence on television and on the radio, but all of these are owned and ran by non-black people. This is a big part of the problem as I see it and the FCC does nothing but allows this trash to go out over the airwaves. The solution is not as simple as one might think, there is a social political side as well.

    Yes we need to do something but violence is not the answer, the answer is to secretly video tape the drug dealers and the cops and spread the video far and wide. Make the police do their damn jobs and expose them when they do wrong.
