Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The whole world is angry with Israel because, of the Gaza Military Offensive which has claimed almost 400 lives. The European Union is meeting today to discuss the issue concerning the Gaza Strip Offensive. The United States government has asked Hamas to stop shooting Qassam missiles into Israels town and cities next to the Gaza Strip. Secretary Of State Rice called all the diplomatic leaders around the world so, they could restore a truce between Hamas and Israel as quick as possible as long as Hamas stop using violence to achieve there goal of destroying Israel. The six month truce ended December 19 between Israel and Hamas. King Abdullah of Jordan called President Bush and asked him to stop Israel from continuing there offensive in the Gaza Strip. Muslim countries all around the world are condemning Israel for excessive bombing in the Gaza Strip. The protest in European Countries are headed by the growing Islamic community in Europe. The protesters in Europe protested outside the Israels embassy in Europe and they dragged and burned the Israeli flag. The call by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for Humanitarian Aid for the Palestine people who live under Hamas rule will be the next talking point for the people who hate Israel. The next President Of The United States President-Elect Obama Chief Advisor David Axelod said that the incoming President will work hard to achieve peace in the Middle East. Finally, Israel must have the right to defend there country or they will be wiped of the face of the earth by these hateful terrorist. Hey, that is what the leaders of Iran chanted while, protesting in there country against Israel.

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