Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The Obama campaign line about electing Sen. John McCain would mean four more years of the Bush Administration is getting more foolish everyday. After retaining President Bush Defense Secretary Robert Gates we now learn that President-Elect Obama is willing to keep all of President Bush appointees at the Pentagon Bill Gertz reports in his column. Defenses Secretary Gates has asked most of the Bush Administration appointees except those targeted for dismissal to stay on until President-Elect Obama replaces there position. Robert Gates received permission from the Obama Transition team to extend the number of appointees a invitation to stay on until there current position is replaced. Mr. gates said in e-mail on December 19. The chance to stay is available to all willing appointees with the exception of those who who are contacted individually and told otherwise... Geoff Morrel Pentagon Press secertary, confirmed that the Secretary Gates wants to retain most of the Bush political appointees. He said the policy of keeping so, many political appointees is unusual for a transition from a Republican to a Democratic Administration. Finally, to all the liberals who hated the Bush War Machine now "That Is Change We All Can Believe In".

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