Friday, December 12, 2008


I wrote my first article in January before the Wall Street collapse that this recession " May Become A World-Wide Depression". This economic recession or world-wide depression was started by a failed Liberal policy by letting unqualified homeowners get loans for homes they could not afford. The real serious problem that we, have in America is that we are 50 Trillion dollars in debt and we keep printing money if we were in 1920's Germany right before the collapse of the German economic system. The United States Government over the past 30 years refused to put together a plan that will make our Federal Government solvent again productive. The United States Government is spending money like drunken sailors and bailing out every failed corrupt corporate business in America. This lack of control over the Federal Government purse strings will mean disaster in the future for our children. The Federal Government is so, worried about calming the stock market but, they failed to realize that the greed on the Stock Market caused all the problems we, are seeing in the American economy. The American banking intuitions are so, bad that people have have large sums of money are putting there money into "Treasury Bills" at a negative or no interest rate at all on there money. This means that people are putting there money in these Treasury Bills so, that there money is safe and they are not even trying to make a profit out of putting there money in government securities. The reason why wealthy people put there money in these securities because it is guaranteed by the federal Government. The world economic system is falling apart because, the the United states economic policy have finally, started to affect the average American daily lives. This problem should be the first thing that President-Elect Obama addresses when he, is sworn into office. I know that President-Elect Obama wants a 750 million stimulus package but, that is only a temporary patch on a gaping whole in the American economy. Finally, I always talk about the foundation of a house because if the foundation is not strong the house will collapse. The Federal government must re-build a strong foundation and when it is re-built the American economy will again will be the strongest in the world.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


President-Elect Obama did not need this scandal during his transition into being the next President Of the United States. The President-Elect has enough in his table form the economy to terrorism to solve over the next four years. This is President-Elect Obama worst nightmare because, it brings up all his old Chicago connections that help him rise to power in Illinois politics. President-Elect Obama was on of Gov. Blagojevich biggest supporters when he ran for Governor in 2002. President-Elect Obama was also, a big supporter of Gov. Blagojevich in his 2006 re-election campaign and said some extremely, kind words about Gov. Blagojevich during a endorsement speech. President-Elect Obama supported Gov. Blagojevich even though everyone knew that he, was under investigation by the U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. President-Elect Obama was part of Gov. Blagojevich "Inner Circle" back in 2002 with his new Chief Of Staff Rham Emanuel that helped him get elected for the first time. They mapped out a strategy on how he, could become the next Governor of Illinois by bringing all the ethnic communities together in Chicago. President-Elect Obama has called for the resignation of Gov. Blagojevich but, he should be extremely, careful of what he, says about a man how knows where all the bodies are buried in Illinois politics. President-Elect Obama better have clean hands in this wide sweeping investigation because, I am telling you this right now if Gov. Blagojevich is convicted of any crime he, will sing like a gospel choir on Sunday mourning. Finally, President-Elect Obama knew when he, supported Gov. Blagojevich that he was getting into bed with a Chicago snake. President-Elect Obama should not be surprised if the snake bites you in the near future while, you sitting in the White House.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


There should be no surprise that one of President-Elect Obama friends Gov. Blagojevich was busted by the Federal Government for trying to sell his Senate seat. President-Elect Obama friends seem to be getting busted every other month by the Federal Government. The Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald just convicted Tony Rezko one of President-Elect Obama biggest supporters while, he was a State Senator in Illinois. Tony Rezko also, helped President-Elect Obama get his multi-million mansion on the South Side of Chicago. President-Elect Obama connections with the Daily Machine could come back and haunt him if any information about how he, ran his State Senate office while, representing the south side Of Chicago comes out in any testimony. The Daily Machine in Chicago has been under investigation by the federal government for several years . Patrick Fitzgerald has had dozens of convictions of high profiled Daily Machine Administration officials who took payoffs for government contracts. Gov. Blagojevich was helped by President-Elect Obama while running for Governor to get African-American votes because, he was not popular in the African-American community. President-Elect Obama has a serious problems when it comes to picking friends. Therefore, just let me name a few Tony Rezko, William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Gov. Blagojevich, Minister Louis Farrakhan and countless clowns that I don't want to waste my time writing about these scumbags. Hey! of course you know I am lying I love writng about these scumbags. Finally, President-Elect Obama ran on the word "Change" but the first placed he, should have tried to change is the corrupt City Of Chicago. President-Elect Obama did not challenge the Daily Machine in Chicago because he, became a part of flawed political organization that has run Chicago for the last 60 years. The "Word Change" was was just a slogan made up by David Axelrod to get President-Elect Obama elected President but, when it is all said in done our future President is nothing more than another political hack.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


President-Elect Obama will submit a 500 billion to "One Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package" to Congress as soon as he, is sworn into office. President-Elect Obama says that his package will create 2.5 million jobs and stimulate the American economy. The markets have reacted to the stimulus package by having positive days on the stock market nine out of the last ten days. The government money will flow through the American economy and create some stability in the economy but, it will not solve the basic problems in our economy that the foundation of our house is cracked and ready to collapse. The future Obama Administration has to address that we a 50 Trillion Dollars in debt and it has to be solved right now before house collapses on the American people. President-Elect Obama needs to tell the American People that they need to make a sacrifice in how much the federal government spends every year on there annual budget. The Federal Government spent 3.1 Trillion on the American people this year and that needs to be cut in half so, we can start paying off our debts to forgein countries around the world. The problem with the American economy will not be solved with these quick stimulus packages but, with a long range plan that will make the United States Government solvent again. Finally, the Obama Administration needs to come up with a 20 year plan that will solve our economic problems and put this country on course to being the strongest economic power in the world. This stimulus package sounds good to the American people right now but, two or three years later we will still have to address the real reason why the American and world economy is collapsing.

Monday, December 8, 2008


President-Elect Obama used the word "Change" to get elected President Of The United States, but the only thing that he, has changed so far is bringing in his Ivy League elitist Friends to Washington to help him make policy for this country. President- Elect Obama is going back to the same well of academics that got us into this economic crisis. The same Ivy League graduates who are the so, called best and brightest gave us the "Dot.Com bubble and Housing Crisis" that has put this country on the brink of a depression. President-Elect Obama did not go outside the box and get some average Americans who are successful and did not go to Ivy League Schools. I know that he, appointed a couple of people who graduated from the University Of Chicago, Georgetown and Michigan but, most of his appointees have no idea how the rest of America lives. This why Conservatives rail against Ivy league academics because, they resent the rest of Americas family values and the consider them to be the past not the future. President-Elect Obama has to understand that going to these Ivy League Schools does not mean that you are always going to get the best advice. President Kennedy used the same Methodology and we got the Vietnam war from the best and the brightest. These Ivy League appointees have a different agenda and that is they want to change America into a secular progressive country. This should not be the goal of the Obama administration. Finally, I don't know if President-Elect Obama is correct in hiring his Ivy League friends but, it would have been nice to see some college graduates from State Universities that would have had hands on experience with average Americans struggles in there daily lives.