Thursday, December 11, 2008


President-Elect Obama did not need this scandal during his transition into being the next President Of the United States. The President-Elect has enough in his table form the economy to terrorism to solve over the next four years. This is President-Elect Obama worst nightmare because, it brings up all his old Chicago connections that help him rise to power in Illinois politics. President-Elect Obama was on of Gov. Blagojevich biggest supporters when he ran for Governor in 2002. President-Elect Obama was also, a big supporter of Gov. Blagojevich in his 2006 re-election campaign and said some extremely, kind words about Gov. Blagojevich during a endorsement speech. President-Elect Obama supported Gov. Blagojevich even though everyone knew that he, was under investigation by the U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. President-Elect Obama was part of Gov. Blagojevich "Inner Circle" back in 2002 with his new Chief Of Staff Rham Emanuel that helped him get elected for the first time. They mapped out a strategy on how he, could become the next Governor of Illinois by bringing all the ethnic communities together in Chicago. President-Elect Obama has called for the resignation of Gov. Blagojevich but, he should be extremely, careful of what he, says about a man how knows where all the bodies are buried in Illinois politics. President-Elect Obama better have clean hands in this wide sweeping investigation because, I am telling you this right now if Gov. Blagojevich is convicted of any crime he, will sing like a gospel choir on Sunday mourning. Finally, President-Elect Obama knew when he, supported Gov. Blagojevich that he was getting into bed with a Chicago snake. President-Elect Obama should not be surprised if the snake bites you in the near future while, you sitting in the White House.

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