Tuesday, December 9, 2008


President-Elect Obama will submit a 500 billion to "One Trillion Dollar Stimulus Package" to Congress as soon as he, is sworn into office. President-Elect Obama says that his package will create 2.5 million jobs and stimulate the American economy. The markets have reacted to the stimulus package by having positive days on the stock market nine out of the last ten days. The government money will flow through the American economy and create some stability in the economy but, it will not solve the basic problems in our economy that the foundation of our house is cracked and ready to collapse. The future Obama Administration has to address that we a 50 Trillion Dollars in debt and it has to be solved right now before house collapses on the American people. President-Elect Obama needs to tell the American People that they need to make a sacrifice in how much the federal government spends every year on there annual budget. The Federal Government spent 3.1 Trillion on the American people this year and that needs to be cut in half so, we can start paying off our debts to forgein countries around the world. The problem with the American economy will not be solved with these quick stimulus packages but, with a long range plan that will make the United States Government solvent again. Finally, the Obama Administration needs to come up with a 20 year plan that will solve our economic problems and put this country on course to being the strongest economic power in the world. This stimulus package sounds good to the American people right now but, two or three years later we will still have to address the real reason why the American and world economy is collapsing.

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