Wednesday, December 10, 2008


There should be no surprise that one of President-Elect Obama friends Gov. Blagojevich was busted by the Federal Government for trying to sell his Senate seat. President-Elect Obama friends seem to be getting busted every other month by the Federal Government. The Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald just convicted Tony Rezko one of President-Elect Obama biggest supporters while, he was a State Senator in Illinois. Tony Rezko also, helped President-Elect Obama get his multi-million mansion on the South Side of Chicago. President-Elect Obama connections with the Daily Machine could come back and haunt him if any information about how he, ran his State Senate office while, representing the south side Of Chicago comes out in any testimony. The Daily Machine in Chicago has been under investigation by the federal government for several years . Patrick Fitzgerald has had dozens of convictions of high profiled Daily Machine Administration officials who took payoffs for government contracts. Gov. Blagojevich was helped by President-Elect Obama while running for Governor to get African-American votes because, he was not popular in the African-American community. President-Elect Obama has a serious problems when it comes to picking friends. Therefore, just let me name a few Tony Rezko, William Ayers, Rev. Wright, Gov. Blagojevich, Minister Louis Farrakhan and countless clowns that I don't want to waste my time writing about these scumbags. Hey! of course you know I am lying I love writng about these scumbags. Finally, President-Elect Obama ran on the word "Change" but the first placed he, should have tried to change is the corrupt City Of Chicago. President-Elect Obama did not challenge the Daily Machine in Chicago because he, became a part of flawed political organization that has run Chicago for the last 60 years. The "Word Change" was was just a slogan made up by David Axelrod to get President-Elect Obama elected President but, when it is all said in done our future President is nothing more than another political hack.

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