Friday, December 12, 2008


I wrote my first article in January before the Wall Street collapse that this recession " May Become A World-Wide Depression". This economic recession or world-wide depression was started by a failed Liberal policy by letting unqualified homeowners get loans for homes they could not afford. The real serious problem that we, have in America is that we are 50 Trillion dollars in debt and we keep printing money if we were in 1920's Germany right before the collapse of the German economic system. The United States Government over the past 30 years refused to put together a plan that will make our Federal Government solvent again productive. The United States Government is spending money like drunken sailors and bailing out every failed corrupt corporate business in America. This lack of control over the Federal Government purse strings will mean disaster in the future for our children. The Federal Government is so, worried about calming the stock market but, they failed to realize that the greed on the Stock Market caused all the problems we, are seeing in the American economy. The American banking intuitions are so, bad that people have have large sums of money are putting there money into "Treasury Bills" at a negative or no interest rate at all on there money. This means that people are putting there money in these Treasury Bills so, that there money is safe and they are not even trying to make a profit out of putting there money in government securities. The reason why wealthy people put there money in these securities because it is guaranteed by the federal Government. The world economic system is falling apart because, the the United states economic policy have finally, started to affect the average American daily lives. This problem should be the first thing that President-Elect Obama addresses when he, is sworn into office. I know that President-Elect Obama wants a 750 million stimulus package but, that is only a temporary patch on a gaping whole in the American economy. Finally, I always talk about the foundation of a house because if the foundation is not strong the house will collapse. The Federal government must re-build a strong foundation and when it is re-built the American economy will again will be the strongest in the world.

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